Cancers fueled by obesity are on the rise among young adults in the United States and appearing at increasingly younger ages, according to an analysis released Monday by the American Cancer Society.
The study, published in The Lancet Public Health, examined data on 12 obesity-related cancers between 1995 and 2014. as well as 18 common cancers not associated with weight. They found a disturbing trend among adults age 24 to 49.
"The risk of cancer is increasing in young adults for half of the obesity-related cancers, with the increase steeper in progressively younger ages," said co-author Ahmedin Jemal, who is the vice president of the Surveillance and Health Services Research Program for the American Cancer Society.
The risk, he said, was increasing in a stepwise manner in successively younger people.
"The findings from this study are a warning for increased burden of obesity-related cancer in older adults in the future," said Jemal, "potentially halting or reversing the progress achieved in reducing cancer mortality over the past several decades."
Cancers typically seen in the elderly
The six obesity-related cancers that showed startling increases among younger adults were colorectal, endometrial, gallbladder, kidney, pancreatic and multiple myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow.
Most of these cancers have traditionally shown up in patients later in life, usually in their 60s and 70s.
Obesity is a global epidemic
Globally, obesity has reached "epidemic proportions," says the World Health Organization, which estimates that more than 1 billion adults are overweight, with at least 300 million of them considered clinically obese.
Millennials are on their way to being one of the heaviest generations on record. Research in the UK shows at least seven in 10 people born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s will likely be overweight or obese by their mid-30s and 40s. Only five in 10 baby boomers were obese at that same age.
In the United States, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 40% of Americans are obese, as are one in every six children ages 2 to 19.
The link between fat and cancer
Fat cells, known as adiopose cells, do more than store excess calories in the body. They also release hormone-like fatty acids and proteins that affect metabolism, body weight and reproductive functions.
Science is actively trying to discover just how those hormones might contribute to certain cancers.
According to Berger, who runs a lab focused on obesity and cancer, one likely theory is that some of those hormones match receptors in certain cancers but not others, thus stimulating tumor growth in cancers that are a good fit.
Regardless of how it happens, science knows the association is real.