World Health Day is always observed on April 7. This year, the day is dedicated to honoring nurses and midwives, but it's possible nobody will notice. The nurses are just too busy.
For hospital nurses, life under the coronavirus is a slog of precautions, fear and duty.
Northside Hospital sits in suburban Atlanta, Georgia. It is not among the hardest-hit facilities in the country. There are no refrigerated trucks ominously idling in its parking lot like you'd see in New York. There is no dire lack of protective equipment for hospital workers there -- at least not yet.
But there is an army of dedicated nurses caught up in the fight against coronavirus.
'Not everyone can do this job'
"After fifteen years working in the emergency room of a hospital, I've never seen anything like this before," Sara Wazlavek says.
The nature of her job can shift by the hour.
"Rules, policies and procedures are rapidly changing based on the new data that comes out daily," she tells CNN.
One thing doesn't change: her fear of bringing the virus home. Nursing is Wazlavek's calling, but her identity is mother and wife.
"No one wants to put their family's lives on the line. I come home with the knowledge that I might be bringing Covid into my home, that it could kill me, my husband or my kids. I didn't think becoming a nurse would mean possibly losing my family, or that I would be the cause."
But Wazlavek reports for her shifts because there's a pandemic to fight, and she's a nurse.
"Not everyone can do this job. It takes training. If everyone who was afraid quit, who would be left. I want to help my coworkers. I can't abandon them. I want to help the people in our community who need us. I can't abandon them either."
Wazlavek says that for now, her hospital has enough gloves, masks and gowns to keep her relatively safe.
Wazlavek does not consider herself a hero. But for people who want to honor her sacrifice and grit, she has one suggestion: stay home.
Bringing babies into the world during a global health crisis
Chandler Scott is a neonatal intensive care nurse at Northside, which claims to deliver more babies each year than any other community hospital in the country.
She says the pandemic has made the birthing process a lot colder for everyone involved, especially suspected coronavirus carriers.
"Babies get separated immediately from parents and placed in quarantine until deemed safe to return to the mother," she says.
Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurses attend the deliveries. They wear N95 respirator masks with plastic eye shields, isolation gowns and gloves as they whisk the baby away.
"We now have strict visitation. Parents are no longer allowed in the NICU to visit their newborn child," she tells CNN.