是誰出主意讓服務(wù)生都穿溜冰鞋的?某個白癡客人投意見箱的天哪,他們盜用我的想法是你?過去吧瑞秋,我?guī)湍闩萘丝煽尚⌒?!天?你們還好嗎?辣喔你留山羊胡有點像撒旦所以神父才會對我灑圣水你得開心一點你應(yīng)該跟我和羅斯出門總比整天坐著為凱特傷心好我傷心是因為沒有人相信昆西的理論我要上電視了不會吧有一個討論秘魯化石的座談會探索頻道要去拍攝天哪!誰會看?謝了,可以走了嗎?我看過一個女生穿那件背心謝了大部份的人都視巧克力和籃子為傳統(tǒng)的復(fù)活節(jié)禮物有些人堅持送活的小雞不幸的是,大部份的小雞都活不到國慶日由于照顧得不妥善它們馬上就會死你們有小雞嗎?我看到電視上的廣告那些小雞好可愛彼特,你回來了!你看溜冰鞋你比錢德結(jié)實,他一撞就倒旅途順利嗎?你送什么給我?日本飯店的化妝品我要永遠(yuǎn)保留下來要喝咖啡嗎?好啊普通還是低咖啡因?最近的就行了問我今天做了什么你今天做了什么?我買下一家餐廳想請你當(dāng)主廚他居然要送我一家餐廳那個混蛋,你要我踹他嗎?從我擁有好烘烤箱開了好吃糕餅店起就在夢想這一天我死也甘愿,我絕對能勝任我吃的苦頭也夠多了但彼特這么做是因為他喜歡我你對他還是沒興趣?我怎么能接下這個餐廳?我不能七年級時史都文森送我項鏈我也沒收這是兩回事他是你的健康教育老師怎么了?被你撞到的地方好痛天哪,對不起天哪嗨,你們猜怎樣?你在郵輪上找到工作?我一整年沒穿這套西裝因為你不喜歡你不是我的女朋友了,所以…我懂了,你想要強調(diào)你現(xiàn)在孤家寡人可以盡情的出丑你喜歡這套西裝吧?當(dāng)然,你穿起來比肯德基爺爺好看羅斯,開玩笑的,回來你要說什么?你發(fā)明軋棉機的過程?你投書到意見箱之后多久才得到回應(yīng)?大約三個月所以離上空的規(guī)定大約還有兩星期我買了一個東西打開來看是一只雞很可愛吧?兩位,你們了解雞嗎?家禽?不了解女人?不了解養(yǎng)雞是重責(zé)大任尤其是小雞需要無微不至的照顧它們不能吃錯東西需要很多關(guān)愛這個沒問題輕一點,大母雞你考慮過了嗎?是這樣的我討厭“是這樣的”是怎樣的?我不能接受抱歉,我也很想接受但你對我有特殊感情你在擔(dān)心這個?如果是這個問題那就沒問題了我正打算吃飯時告訴你我這趟出國認(rèn)識了一個人她叫安,是記者我們在飛機上認(rèn)識她想把我的花生吃完我聽成別的(花生音同陰莖)我們大笑一場我等煩了太好了抱歉,但我好為你高興我可以為你工作了看來可以了天哪,太棒了你猜怎樣?我要溜進(jìn)辦公室去辭職好推一下,好嗎?祝你好運我要辭職了我沒事,我很好真叫人興奮啊你去日本,認(rèn)識一個女人什么?我是說這個女人…是虛構(gòu)的吧?為什么這么說?你還是喜歡摩妮卡你謊稱認(rèn)識別人好讓她為你做事相處久了,也許就會產(chǎn)生感情你真行我只是直覺準(zhǔn),還會通靈很實在的天賦請答應(yīng)我不要告訴她沒問題,我答應(yīng)你告訴她什么?謝謝你我的直覺很準(zhǔn),但記性很差?好吧,但這是最后一次這里吱,那里吱這里吱,那里吱到處都在吱吱叫…雞…雞妹妹好嗎?妹妹?你不覺得是妹妹嗎?我不知道看不出來,那個東西一下子就縮回去了我要換衣服我要去跟其它演員喝酒什么?怎么了?你排練時,我留在家里好陪著我們的小雞是誰從半夜兩點撐到五點?好哄她睡覺?你以為我沒起來嗎?又來了沒錯,又來了我整天困在這里你才回來陪了我們幾秒鐘就要出去跟朋友花天酒地?這樣不行喔,先生我需要輕松一下我忙了一整天照顧我們的小雞就不忙?我不是那個意思,我是說…我知道你想說什么你有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn),自從有了小雞我們爭吵的次數(shù)變多了?也許我們還不適合養(yǎng)小雞我明天送它回去三塊錢會退嗎?我兩小時后要錄影請你們幫個忙怎么樣?藍(lán)色還是棕色的好?棕色可以突顯你的眼睛但藍(lán)色那套讓你的屁股很翹真的?祈藥舞還真有效你還是?我沒事你有事我沒事我很好,看我的你得去看醫(yī)生,好嗎?我要去我老板家參加晚宴有幾個人非見不可你一定會令人印象深刻“你好,我是瑞秋” “很高興認(rèn)識你”你的肋骨可能斷了我明天再去醫(yī)院,它還是斷的但我打扮時需要幫忙你不幫忙就走好,我走走之前能不能先幫忙?好,我?guī)湍銈冊谝趺窗研‰u弄出錄影機?你知道嗎?我不會用左手化你能不能也幫我化妝?用這一支好了這個?小心一點沾一點在眼瞼上刷一下就好刷一下對不起你是在戳我的眼睛對不起,閉上…我在刷刷、刷——刷均勻,不要…不要太多,隱隱約約就好你的妝不夠濃你幾時覺得我的妝不夠濃了?閉上眼睛,你一定會喜歡閉眼睛,吹一下這樣看起來比較世故、成熟跟妓女一樣世故?你猜我今晚要做什么?什么?我要跟彼特去看餐廳摩妮卡,我好替你興奮我有一件事要告訴你什么事?我不能告訴你把不能說的事說出來不是會比較舒坦?哪有那么好的事我答應(yīng)不說我對所有神明發(fā)過誓跟羅斯和瑞秋有關(guān)嗎?跟喬伊有關(guān)嗎?跟錢德和他床邊的襪子有關(guān)嗎?不是,不過你待會兒要告訴我好了,夠美了吧?是啊是啊,我會坐在采購部那個人妖旁邊我得走了,祝你晚宴愉快再幫我換一下衣服?當(dāng)然好太好了,轉(zhuǎn)過去吧什么?我不想讓你看到我的身體我看過幾萬遍了我在你身上吃熱奶油我從你的肚臍眼吸出小軟糖那個不一樣,我們那時在交往現(xiàn)在很奇怪我隨時都能看到你的裸體什么?我只需要閉上眼睛,你看羅斯,別鬧了拜托,別再那樣想我了抱歉,你管不到這是前任男友的權(quán)利別鬧了,夠了對不起,我不會再…等一下現(xiàn)在有一百個你,我是國王成熟一點,這又沒什么好吧很好,我決定自己換衣服天哪,聽我說小心,你得去醫(yī)院,好嗎?我真的得去了我去幫你拿外套,再送你上車你不陪我去嗎?當(dāng)然要我得先打個電話謝謝怎么了?對不起,我不能這樣去醫(yī)院跟旅行有關(guān)嗎?跟木屐有關(guān)嗎?木屐還是爪子?木屐爪子?所以不是羅斯和瑞秋也不是錢德和喬伊那彼特呢?怎么樣?我不知道我好像在跟靈犬萊西說話菲比,你就直說好嗎?不行啦我得走了跟彼特的電腦公司有關(guān)嗎?你走吧,你死也猜不到的我知道沒錯,那就是雅絲敏布麗絲她是一種完全不同的“雞”你們兩個我都愛是非常不一樣的愛你在干什么?不是要送她走?我有,但是店里不收我?guī)ナ杖菟悴挛野l(fā)現(xiàn)什么?要是找不到人領(lǐng)養(yǎng)就要殺了她我絕不讓小雅絲敏慘遭毒手很好,其實我也有點反悔不只小雞,所有的動物都一樣太可怕了,你做得對謝了,你這么想就好說來好笑真不敢相信你看這個冰柜,有夠大的我可以住在里面會冷,不過我本來就很冷是傳統(tǒng)火爐我最喜歡傳統(tǒng)火爐了你喜歡嘍?太完美了,真謝謝你不客氣你剛才在聞我的頭發(fā)?怎么可能,沒有啊天哪怎么了?你對我還是有感覺我只是對餐廳的事很興奮我愛你,有這么糟嗎?不糟,一點也不糟其實很好會受傷的人是我我都不介意了你或許不介意受傷我卻不能當(dāng)那個傷你的人所以我不能接受這份工作什么?我們也不該再見面了對不起你如果真的這么想,那好吧很抱歉事情…你先閉嘴,讓我確認(rèn)一下你有說實話嗎?X光片看起來怎么會胖你給我在這里好好反省那是一只鴨子一只壞鴨子今晚的事順利嗎?什么事?沒什么,博物館有事走吧小心等你回來,請記住小雞不是玩具到底是什么事?我今晚本來要上探索頻道天哪羅斯,你為什么不說?我一說,你就會趕我去我知道你今晚需要有人陪著,來吧我真不敢相信你對我太好了你該睡覺了抱歉搞砸你的計劃你沒事就好明天見再見你犯了什么錯?你們在干什么?游泳小雞呢?雞不會游泳確定?不曉得要試試看嗎?好啊看吧,我就說它不會游再等一下乖,沒事了
The One With A Chick. And A Duck
[Scene: Outside Central Perk, Rachel and Phoebe are helping Monica learn how to roller skate by rolling her between themselves.]
Rachel: So who抯 idea was it to put everybody in the diner on skates?
Monica: Oh, some idiot customer put a suggestion in the suggestion box.
Phoebe: Oh my God, they took my idea!
Monica: That was you?!
Phoebe: Yeah! Okay, here you go. (rolls her back to Rachel)
Gunther: (bringing Rachel a mug) Rachel, I made you a cocoa.
[He distracts her from catching Monica and Monica slams into her, knocking her down. Monica then falls on top of her.]
Phoebe: Oh my God, are you guys okay?
Gunther: Are you all right?
Joey: (leaving Central Perk and seeing Monica laying on top of Rachel who is moaning in pain.) Oh my.
(They both turn and give him a dirty look.)
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is watching Quincy M.E. as Chandler is walking into the living room from his bedroom.]
Chandler: (sporting a goatee) Hey.
Joey: Hey. Y'know with that goatee you kinda look like Satan.
Chandler: Oh, so that抯 why the priest threw holy water on me. (there抯 no reaction from Joey) Okay, listen, you have to cheer up! Okay? You should come out with Ross and me, I mean anything is better than sitting around here crying all day about Kate.
Joey: Hey I was crying because, because nobody believed Quincy抯 theory. Okay?
Ross: (entering) Hey!
Chandler: Hey.
Ross: (triumphantly) I抦 gonna be on TV!!
Chandler: No way!
Ross: Yeah! They抮e putting together this panel to talk about these fossils they just found in Peru and The Discovery Channel抯 gonna film it!
Chandler: Oh my God! Who抯 gonna watch that?!
Ross: Thanks. You ready to go?
Chandler: Yeah. (they start to leave)
Joey: Saw a girl with that vest.
Chandler: Thanks. (He takes off the vest and throws it on the floor.)
Anchorwoman: (on TV) While most of us think of chocolate bunnies and baskets as traditional Easter gifts. Some people insist on giving live chicks as presents. (Joey is intrigued by the idea) Unfortunately, the sad fact remains that most of these little guys won抰 live to see the fourth of July. (Joey starts to call a place to buy a little baby chick) Because of as a result of improper care, they will be dead.
Joey: (on phone) Yeah, hi. You guys got any of those baby chicks? 慍ause I was watching this ah, commercial on TV and man, those guys are cute!
[Scene: The Moondance Diner: Pete is entering, Monica is on roller skates.]
Pete: Hi!
Monica: Hi! Hey, Pete you抮e back! Hey, check this out. (She starts to skate over to him)
Pete: Wow! Skates!
(She gets just about all the way over to him and falls into his arms.)
Monica: Wow! You抮e a lot sturdier that Chandler. He crumpled like a piece of paper. So how was you抮e trip?
Pete: Well... (he holds up a gift he brought her)
Monica: Oh, what抎 ya bring me?! (She opens the gift) Awww, hotel toiletries from Japan. Oh, these are gonna go in my permanent collection. You want some coffee?
Pete: Yeah, sure, that抎 be great.
(She starts to go and get the coffee and falls behind the counter.)
Monica: (popping back up) Regular or decaf?
Pete: Ah, which ever is closest.
Monica: Okay. (hands him a cup)
Pete: So ask me what I did today.
Monica: So what did you do today Pete?
Pete: I bought a restaurant and I would like you to be the head chef.
Monica: What?! Oh.(She turns around quickly and falls)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is telling Rachel about Pete抯 offer.]
Monica: Can you believe he just offered me a restaurant?
Rachel: What a jerk! You want me to kick his ass?
Monica: I mean this has been like my dream since I got my first Easy Bake Oven and opened Easy Monica抯 Bakery. I mean I would kill for this job. I mean I can totally do this job, and God knows I paid my dues. (She removes her fake breasts) But Pete抯 just doing this because he has a crush on me.
Rachel: And you抮e still not attracted to him at all?
Monica: Hmm, no. I mean how can I accept a restaurant from him? I-I-I-I can抰. I couldn抰 even accept a necklace from Stu Vincent in the seventh grade.
Rachel: Yeah, but Mon that抯 totally different. He was you抮e health teacher.
Monica: Oh, please.
(She slaps Rachel抯 side and Rachel screams in pain.)
Monica: What? Honey.
Rachel: Oh, I am, my side still hurts from when you crashed into me yesterday.
Monica: Oh God, I抦 so sorry.
Rachel: I know.
(Monica hugs her goes and hugs her)
Rachel: Ow!!
Monica: Oh God!
Ross: (entering, wearing a white suit with a little red bow tie) Hey, you guys! Guess what?
Rachel: (looking at the outfit) Got a job on a river boat?
Ross: Y'know what I didn抰 wear this suit for a year because you hated it. Well, guess what? You抮e not my girlfriend anymore so...
Rachel: Oh I see, so this suit is making a point.
Ross: Right.
Rachel: Now that you抮e on you抮e own, you抮e free to look as stupid as you like.
Ross: (to Monica) You like it right?
Monica: Oh absolutely. I like it even more on you than I did on Colonel Sanders. (Ross starts to leave) Ross! Ross! I抦 kidding!
Rachel: Yeah, come here!
Monica: What-what was it you were gonna tell us?
Rachel: Yeah. Oh! Was how you invented the cotton gin?!
Ross: Okay, good bye! (leaves)
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is talking to Phoebe about her suggestion.]
Chandler: So um, after you put the suggestion in the box, how long did it take for the roller skating thing to happen.
Phoebe: Umm, oh, about three months.
Chandler: Okay, so I guess that抯 about ah, two weeks before the topless thing kicks in.
Joey: (entering carrying a box) Hey!!
Chandler: Hey!
Joey: I got you something! Open it! Open it!
Chandler: Okay. (He opens it and it抯 a baby chick) It抯 a chicken.
Joey: It抯 cute, huh?
Phoebe: Whoa-whoa-whoa, you guys, do you know anything about chicks?
Chandler: Fowl? No. Women? Nooo.
Phoebe: Okay, well they are a huge responsibility, especially at this age. They require constant care. They-they need just the right food, and lot抯 and lot抯 of love.
Joey: Oh, well no problem there. (He picks up the chick, hugs it really tight, and talks to it like it抯 a little baby.)
Chandler: Easy Lenny.
[Scene: The Moondance Diner, Pete is talking to Monica about the restaurant.]
Pete: So? I mean have you thought about it?
Monica: Okay. Here抯 the thing.
Pete: Oh no, not the thing. I hate the thing. What抯 the thing?
Monica: I can抰 do it. I抦 sorry, I wish I could, but umm, see you have these feelings for me....
Pete: Wait, wait, wait, wait, that抯-that抯 what you抮e worried about? If that抯 the problem, we抳e got no problem.
Monica: Huh?
Pete: No! Look, I was gonna tell you this over dinner, but I met somebody else. On my trip.
Monica: Oh?
Pete: Her name抯 Ann, she抯 a journalist. Ahh, we met on the plane. She asked me if she could finish off my peanuts, I thought she said something else, we had a big laugh. Yeah, I just, I mean I got, I got tired of waiting.
Monica: Oh, that抯 great! I mean I抦-I抦 sorry, but I抦 so happy for you. And now I can work for you!
Pete: I guess you can.
Monica: Oh my God! Oh, this is incredible! Ohh! (she rolls over and kisses him on the cheek) All right, y'know what? I抦 just gonna roll right into that office and-and quit!
Pete: All right.
Monica: Okay. (she gets ready to go) Can you give me a little push?
Pete: Yeah, sure. Good luck!
Monica: (rolling towards the office) I抦 quitting!! Woo-hoo! (She rolls through a doorway and out of sight. We then hear a big crash, and see Monica roll past the door the other way.) I抦 okay!! I抦 all right!!
Phoebe: (to Pete) Wow! That抯 exciting, you went to Japan, made up a woman.
Pete: What?
Phoebe: I抦 just saying, this woman, I mean she抯 fictitious. No?
Pete: Why would you say that?
Phoebe: 慍ause you抮e still into Monica. So you told her there was somebody else so she would agree to work with you, so 慶ause you figure oh if you spent a lot of time together, maybe something might happen, and...
Pete: You抮e good. You抮e good!
Phoebe: Yeah, no, I抦 fairly intuitive and psychic. It抯 a substantial gift.
Pete: Listen, can you promise me that you won抰 tell her though?
Phoebe: Absolutely, oh I promise. Tell her what?
Pete: Thanks a lot.
Phoebe: No I抦 serious. I mean I抦 intuitive, but my memory sucks.
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is baby-chick sitting.]
Chandler: Okay, but this is the last time. (singing) With a chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there. Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick-chick-(Joey enters)-chickeeeen.
Joey: Hey.
Chandler: Hey.
Joey: How抯 she doing?
Chandler: She?
Joey: Well yeah, don抰-don抰 you think it抯 a she?
Chandler: I don抰 know. (He picks the chick up and turns it over, trying to determine the sex of the chick, and blows on it.) I can抰 tell, what ever it was went back in too quickly.
Joey: Well, anyway, I got to go change, I抦 ah, meeting some of the cast for drinks.
Chandler: Excuse me?
Joey: What?
Chandler: I stayed home from work today while you were at rehearsal so somebody could be here with our chick!
Joey: Hey! Who was up from 2 o抍lock this morning until 5 o抍lock this morning trying to get her back to sleep?
Chandler: You don抰 think I get up when you get up?
Joey: Ohhh, here it comes.
Chandler: Yes, here it comes! I抦 stuck here all day, and then you come in and spend two seconds with us and then expect to go off gallivanting with your friends? Well I don抰 think so mister!
Joey: Hey!! I need to relax! Okay? I was working all day!
Chandler: And you don抰 think taking care of our chick is work?
Joey: That抯 not what I said. Okay, I just meant...
Chandler: I know what you meant!! (pause) You notice that ever since we got this chick, we抳e been fighting a lot more than we used too?
Joey: I don抰 know, maybe we weren抰 ready to have a chick.
Chandler: I抣l take her back tomorrow.
Joey: Do you think we抣l get our three bucks back?
Ross: (entering carrying a garment bag) Hey!
Chandler: Hey!
Ross: (sees the chick) Ohhh, hey! All right, listen, I-I have that TV thing in like two hours, and I need your help, okay? What do you think? (takes out two suits) This blue suit, or this brown one?
Joey: Well, the brown one brings out your eyes, but your butt looks great in the blue one.
Ross: Really? (Joey gives him a 慙ike I would know?look)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is trying to take some aspirin.]
Rachel: (she reaches for the bottle) Oww! (She grabs the bottle, but has trouble opening it. She pops the top off and aspirins fly all over the place as Ross enters.)
Ross: Wow! That aspirin dance really works!
Rachel: (She bends over to try and pick up the aspirin) Oww!
Ross: Oh my God, is that still...
Rachel: I抦 fine, I抦 fine.
Ross: No you抮e not.
Rachel: Yes I am!
Ross: Rach!
Rachel: Look, I抦 fine. Watch. (She picks up an aspirin between her toes) Look at that. (She lifts her leg to grab the aspirin with her hand and almost falls over.) Whoa-whoa!
Ross: (stopping her from falling) Okay, okay. Look, you have got to go to a doctor! Okay?
Rachel: No. I have got to get ready and go to a dinner at my bosses house. It抯 a very big deal, there抯 a lot of people there I have to meet.
Ross: And I抦 sure you抮e gonna make a big impression. Hi! I抦 Rachel Green. It抯 nice to meet you. (He lifts his leg and imitates shaking hands with it, just like how Rachel was trying to pick up the aspirin with her feet.) Come on, you probably have a broken rib!
Rachel: Well, I will go to the hospital tomorrow, it抣l still be broken then.
Ross: Rach...
Rachel: But y'know, I could use a hand getting ready.
Ross: Rachel...
Rachel: Look, either help me or go.
Ross: Fine. I抣l go.
Rachel: (with a hurt expression on her face) Okay, but before you go, could you help me first?
Ross: (He checks his watch) Sure. I抣l help you.
Chandler: (rushing in) Oh, good! Good! Do you guys know how to get a chick out of a VCR?!
[Scene: Rachel抯 bedroom, Rachel is trying to put on eye liner with her left hand, as Ross is setting out her shoes.]
Rachel: (She drops the brush) Y'know what? I cannot do this with my left hand! Would you please, help me with this too?
Ross: Ohh. (He drops the shoes, takes the brush from her, and licks the tip. He doesn抰 like how it tastes.)
Rachel: (taking the brush back) Okay. Let抯 use this brush. (Hands him another one.)
Ross: Okay. This stuff?
Rachel: Yeah.
Ross: All right.
Rachel: Careful. Light. Okay, do you know how, just sweep it across the lid. Okay? Just sweep it.
Ross: Oke-dokey. (He pokes her in the eye with the brush.)
Rachel: Oh-ho!
Ross: Sorry.
Rachel: Hey! That抯 just poking me in the eye!
Ross: Sorry, I抦 sorry. Close, close, close...
Rachel: Okay, just sweep it.
Ross: I抦 sweeping...
Rachel: Right.
Ross: Sweep, sweep....(He starts to paint it on her eye, making it look like she has a black eye.)
Rachel: Okay, now make it even, 慶ause we don抰...
Ross: What? What?
Rachel: We don抰 want it-it to be too much, we want it to be subtle.
(Of course it抯 too late for that.)
Ross: No. No, y'know you don抰, you don抰 wear enough of this. (Rachel is shocked) What?
Rachel: Since when, since when do you think I don抰 wear enough of this?
Ross: Well I, close your eyes, I just think you抮e gonna like this a little better, 慶ause, close-close... (He gets some more on the brush)
Rachel: Blow it.
Ross: (blows it) Sorry. 慍ause umm, I think this will make you a little more sophisticated.
Rachel: Sophisticated like a hooker?
[Scene: Central Perk, Monica is entering, Phoebe is already there.]
Monica: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey!
Monica: Hey, guess what I抦 doing tonight.
Phoebe: What?
Monica: I抦 checking out the restaurant with Pete.
Phoebe: Ohh, Monica, I am so excited for you.
Monica: I know.
Phoebe: Ooh, I have to tell you something.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: But I can抰 tell you.
Monica: Okay, but wouldn抰 it be easier if you had to tell me something that you could tell me.
Phoebe: Well, sure in a perfect world. But, no, I promised I wouldn抰 tell, and I swore to like all my gods.
Monica: Okay. Does it have to do with Ross and Rachel?
Phoebe: No.
Monica: Does it have to do with Joey?
Phoebe: No.
Monica: Does it have to do with-with Chandler and that sock that he keeps by his bed?
Phoebe: No, but let抯 come back to that later!
[Scene: Rachel抯 Bedroom, Ross is finishing up her make-up.]
Ross: There you go! Good enough for your party, huh?
(She turns and looks in the mirror, and it抯 way, way over done. She looks like she has two black eyes.)
Rachel: Sure.
Ross: Yep?
Rachel: Sure, I抣l just sit next to the trans-sexual from purchasing.
Ross: Okay, come on! All right, I gotta go! So good luck at the party. Okay?
Rachel: Oh wait, Ross, would you just stay and help me get dressed?
Ross: (checks his watch) Sure, okay.
Rachel: Okay. Okay, great! Umm, okay, just turn around.
Ross: What?
Rachel: I don抰 want you to see me naked!
Ross: Rachel, I抳e seen you naked a million times. I ate hot fudge off you naked. Remember, I-I sucked that mini-marshmallow out of your belly button?
Rachel: Yeah, but that was different. Y択now? I mean, we were, we were going out then, now I think it抯 weird.
Ross: Rach, y'know I can see you naked any time I want.
Rachel: What?
Ross: All I have to do is close my eyes. See? (closes his eyes) Woo-hoo!!
Rachel: Ross! Stop that!
Ross: Ah, I抦 sorry.
Rachel: Come on! I don抰 want you thinking of me like that any more!
Ross: Ahh, sorry, nothing you can do about it. It抯 one of my ah, rights as the ex-boyfriend. (closes his eyes again) Oop, oh yeah!
Rachel: Stop it! Cut it out! Cut it out!
Ross: Okay, okay, I抦 sorry, it will never happen... (closes eyes) Uh-oh! Wait a minute! Wait-wait, now there are a hundred of you and I抦 the king.
Rachel: Rosss...
Ross: Come on, would you grow up? It抯 no big deal.
Rachel: All right. (She starts to take off her robe) Fine.
Ross: Yowzah!!!
Rachel: O-kay!! See what you did, I抦 gonna be doing it by myself now. Okay?
Ross: Aww, come on.
Rachel: That抯 it. (She crawls onto the bed) Ow!!!
Ross: Oh my God!
Rachel: Oh-ow!
Ross: All right.
Rachel: Ow!
Ross: Look...
Rachel: Ow!
Ross: Okay.
Rachel: Ow!
Ross: Rach?
Rachel: Ow! Ow!
Ross: Easy. Easy. You have to go to the hospital. Okay?
Rachel: Okay, I do.
Ross: Okay.
Rachel: I really do.
Ross: Okay, I抦 gonna get your coat and then I抣l-I抣l put you in a cab.
Rachel: Okay. Oh wait, wait-wait, you抮e not gonna come with me?
Ross: (He thinks about it) Of course I am. I just have to make a call.
Rachel: Okay.
Ross: Okay? (goes into the living room)
Rachel: Thank you. (She goes to take off her make-up and screams in pain) Oww!!!! God!
Ross: (rushing back in) What?! I wh-, what抯 wrong?
Rachel: I抦 sorry, I just can抰 go to the hospital lookin?like this.
[Scene: Central Perk, Monica is trying to find out what Phoebe won抰 tell her.]
Monica: Does it involve travel?
Phoebe: Noo!
Monica: Does it involve clogs?
Phoebe: Oh, wait, wait. Clogs, or claws?
Monica: Clogs.
Phoebe: No.
Monica: Claws?!
Phoebe: No.
Monica: Okay, so it doesn抰 involve Ross or Rachel or Chandler or Joey. But, what about Pete?
Phoebe: (Shaking her head yes) No!
Monica: What is it?! What about Pete?
Phoebe: I don抰 know! (frantically points at Monica)
Monica: Okay, I feel like I抦 talking to Lassie. All right, Phoebe would you just tell me!
Phoebe: I can抰!!
Monica: Okay, I gotta go. (gets up)
Phoebe: I, but you抮e so close! No!
Monica: Okay, does it involve something to do with Pete抯 computer company?
Phoebe: Oh, just go. You抮e never gonna get it!
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is watching Baywatch with the baby chick. He抯 on one leather chair, the chick is on the other. It抯 watching Yasmine Bleeth run and is chirping.]
Chandler: I know. See, yes. That抯 Yasmine Bleeth, she抯 a completely different kind of chick. I love you both. But in very different ways.
Joey: (entering) Hey!
Chandler: Hey!
Joey: (sees he抯 watching Baywatch) Ohhh. (sees he still has the chick) Ahh! What are you doing?! I thought you were gonna take her back to the store today.
Chandler: I did! But the store wouldn抰 take her back! So then I took her to the shelter, and you know what I found out?
(Joey wants to know, but Chandler doesn抰 want to discuss it by the chick, so he and Joey move over to the windows and away from the chick.)
Chandler: If they can抰 find a home for her, they kill her! And I抦 not gonna let that happen to little Yasmine!
Joey: Okay, good, good, good, 慶ause, good, 慶ause I was kinda having second thoughts too.
Chandler: Okay. And it抯 not just chicks y'know? It抯 all kinds of other animals!
Joey: That抯 horrible! Well, you did the right thing man.
Chandler: Thanks, I抦 glad you see it that way.
(He hear a duck start quacking, and see it waddle into the living room from the bathroom. Joey wants to know what抯 with the duck.)
Chandler: Ohhh-hoo, funny story!
[Scene: Pete抯 Restaurant抯 Kitchen, Pete is showing Monica around the kitchen.]
Monica: I don抰 believe this! Wow, look at this refridgerator! It抯 gigantic! I mean I could live in this thing! I抎 be cold, but I抦 always cold. Oh my God, look at these spider burners! I love spider burners.
Pete: So you like it?
Monica: Oh, it is sooo perfect. Thank you so much. (runs over and hugs him)
Pete: Oh, you抮e welcome. (He takes a deep breath)
Monica: Did you just smell my hair?
Pete: Nooo. Uh-huh, no way. What? No.
Monica: Oh God.
Pete: What?
Monica: You still have feelings for me don抰 you?
Pete: Now, nooo! I抦 just excited about the restaurant, that抯 all.
Monica: Pete.
Pete: Okay, I love you. Is that so bad?
Monica: No, it抯 not bad. It抯 not bad at all. It抯-it抯 really nice.
Pete: Look, the only who stands to get hurt is me. And I抦 okay with that.
Monica: You may be okay about getting hurt, but I am not okay with being the one who hurts you. That抯 why I can抰 take this job.
Pete: What?
Monica: And well, we probably shouldn抰 see each other anymore. I抦 sorry.
Pete: Okay, yeah. I mean... If that抯, if that抯 really what you want, okay.
Monica: Okay, bye.
(She kisses him on the cheek, and he kisses her back on the mouth.)
Pete: I抦 sorry things didn抰 work out...
Monica: All right shut up for a second and let me just see something. (She kisses him back on the lips) Oh, wow! (They then hug and kiss, very passionately.)
[Scene: The Hallway Between The Apartments, Ross and Rachel are coming back from the hospital. Ross is helping her up the stairs.]
Rachel: Okay, you抎 tell me the truth. Right?
Ross: Rach, you can抰 look fat in an x-ray.
Rachel: Okay.
(As they approach the door, Chandler comes out carrying his duck.)
Chandler: Okay! Now you stay out here, and you think about what you did!!
Ross: (to Chandler) That抯 a duck.
Chandler: That抯 a bad duck!!! (to Ross) How抎 the thing go tonight, Ross?
Ross: Oh, it was, nah, well....
Rachel: What thing? What thing?
Ross: Nothing, ah there was this thing at the museum. Come on. (they go into her apartment) Easy.
Chandler: (to the duck) Okay, now when you come back I hope you remember that, that chick is not a toy! (He goes back into the apartment)
[cut to inside Monica and Rachel抯]
Rachel: What thing? What is this thing?
Ross: I was kinda, supposed to be on TV tonight for The Discovery Channel.
Rachel: Oh my God!
Ross: Yeah.
Rachel: Ross, why didn抰 you tell me that?
Ross: Eh, 慶ause I knew that if I told you, you抎 make me go, and I knew you needed someone to be with you tonight. Come on. Come on.
Rachel: I cannot believe you.
Ross: What?
Rachel: That is the sweetest thing, I just....
(They both look at each other for a while)
Ross: (breaking the silence) You should get some sleep.
Rachel: Okay.
Ross: So, I抣l umm...
Rachel: Oh, I抦 sorry I spoiled you抮e evening.
Ross: No, that抯, no, as long as you抮e okay. So I抣l ah, I抣l see you tomorrow.
Rachel: Um-hmm, yeah.
(He leaves)
Rachel: (After he closes the door) See ya.
(In the hallway, Ross all dejected, sits down on the step.)
Chandler: (coming out of his apartment and seeing Ross) What did you do?
[Scene: Chandler and Joey抯 Bathroom: Chandler is watching the duck swim in the bathtub.]
Joey: What 慶ha doing?
Chandler: Having a swim.
Joey: What about the chick?
Chandler: Chicks don抰 swim.
Joey: Are you sure?
Chandler: I don抰 know. Should we try it?
Joey: Sure.
(Chandler picks up the chick and drops it in the water.)
Chandler: See, I told you they don抰 swim. (He goes to take it out)
Joey: (stopping him) Wait. Give him a minute.
Chandler: Noo! (takes him out) Oh, it抯 okay, it抯 okay, baby, baby, baby.
(Joey picks up and turns on a hair dryer.)