A Sunday School teacher asked his class,"Where is God"
A boy raised his hand and said,"He's in Heaven."
A girl was called on and answered,"He's in my heart."
Johnny,waving his hand furiously,blurted out,"I know! I know!He's in our bathroom!"
The teacher asked how he knew this. Johnny said,"Well … every morning,my father gets up,bangs on the bathroom door,and yells ‘ My God,are you still in there ’"
強尼拼命地揮手,大聲叫喊: "我知道,我知道,他在我們家的廁所里。"
老師問他是怎么知道的。 強尼說:"嗯,每天早上我爸起床以后就敲
廁所的門,大喊: ‘ 我的上帝,你還在里面啊?’"
furiously ad. 狂怒,暴怒 blurt v. 脫口而出 bang v. 猛敲,砸