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Spoken American English Volume 4 ;標(biāo)準(zhǔn)美國語 5
Chapter 1. Sure,Unsure ;1.確定,無法確定
1.Definitely. 2.Certainly. 3.Sure! ;1.肯定是如此. 2.那是一定的. 3.對呀!
4.Absolutely. 5.Of course. 6.Without a doubt. ;4.絕對是的. 5.那當(dāng)然啦. 6.毫無疑問的.
7.A:You think I wouldn't dare? B:You bet! ;7.A:你以為我不敢嗎? B:正是如此! 當(dāng)然!
8.That's for sure. 9.Beyond the shadow of a doubt. ;8.那錯不了. 9.這毋庸置疑.
10.Naturally. 11.It's a sure thing. ;10.自然是如此. 11.這是十拿九穩(wěn)的事.
12.Positively. 13.It's inevitable. 14.You can count on it ;12.絕對錯不了. 13.這無可避免. 14.這絕對靠得住.
15.If it's gonna happen,it's gonna happen. ;15.是福不是禍, 是禍躲不過.
16.Nothing bad could come of this. ;16.這不致于出差錯.
17.I wouldn't count on it. 18.Don't bet on it. ;17.我不敢指望它. 18.這個不可靠.
19.Make no mistake. I'm going to succeed. ;19.你不要門縫看扁人, 我一定會成功.
20.How can you be so positive from this distance? ;20.從這么遠(yuǎn)的距離,你 怎能肯定看清楚了 什么?
21.It's open to questioning. 22.It's not guaranteed ;21.這是值得商榷的. 22.這并沒保證.
23.Could be. 24.It's likely. ;23.也許是.有可能是. 24.很有可能.
25.It's possible. 26.It's anyone's guess. ;25.有此可能. 26.是非曲直沒人敢肯定
27.It's merely guess upon guess. 28.I don't deal with "what if's." ;27.這只是亂猜一氣罷了. 28.我從不做沒把握的事.
9.You're either dead sure or dead. ;29.如果你沒完全的把握 準(zhǔn)死無疑.
Chapter 2. Reconsideration ;2. 重新考慮
1.Give it some thought will ya? 2.Don't rush into things. ;1.仔細(xì)考慮一下,好嗎? 2.不要倉促行事.
3.That's a little premature,don't you think? ;3.你認(rèn)為時機 還不成熟嗎?
4.Don't do anything that you might regret later. ;4.不要做任何你事后會 懊悔的事.
5.Don't do things haphazardly. Think before you act. ;5.不要魯莽行事, 先考慮再做.
6.Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. ;6.不要青紅皂白不分.
7.Don't make sweeping statements. ;7.不要一竿子打翻一船人
8.Once the decision is made,there is no turning back. ;8.一旦做了決定, 就無可挽回.
9.It deserves a second look. ;9.這值得再商榷.
10.Is it worth it? 11.I have to step back and reconsider the whole thing. ;10.這樣做值得嗎? 11.我必須退一步重新 全盤考慮.
12.He does everything without a second thought. ;12.他做事欠缺考慮. 他做事考慮不周全.
13.Look before you leap. 14.Don't jump the gun. ;13.三思而后行. 仔細(xì)觀察后再行動. 14.不要太過急切.
15.Don't go off half cocked. ;15.槍的扳機還沒扣上, 先別忙著擊發(fā).
16.Haste makes waste. 17.On second thought, I'd better not. ;16.急則有損. 17.我想了想, 還是不做為妙.
Chapter 3. To Participate Or To Withdraw ;3. 參與、退出
1.Count me in! 2.I'm with you. 3.I'm in! ;1.把我也算進(jìn)去! 2.我附和你. 3.我加入.
4.Don't get left out in the cold. 5.Are you in or out? ;4.不要被人冷落在一邊. 5.你要加入還是退出?
6.Okay,you are in. 7.I'm glad I'm a part of it. ;6.好,讓你加入吧. 7.我很高興能參與.
8.He has a finger in every pie. ;8.他事事參與.
9.I wash my hands of all their marital problems. ;9.我不愿插手他們的 婚姻糾紛.
10.You're in it as much as I am. ;10.(這件事)你我陷得 一樣深.
11.That'll drag all of us into it. ;11.那會使大家都惹上 麻煩.
12.I'm pulling out,I want no further part of this. ;12.我要退出,我不愿跟這 有進(jìn)一步的關(guān)聯(lián).
13.You'll have to count me out. ;13.我不想?yún)⒓? 別把我算進(jìn)去.
14.I'm not getting involved. 15.I quit! ;14.我可不愿被卷進(jìn) 漩渦里. 15.我不干了!
16.I'm scared.I want out. 17.He pulled out. ;16.我害怕,我要退出. 17.他退出了.
18.All deals are off. ;18.所有的合約都取消了
19.He had a change of mind at the last minute. ;19.他到了最后一分鐘才 變卦.
20.I don't like sudden changes. 21.She called off the wedding. ;20.我不喜歡到了節(jié)骨眼 才改弦易轍. 21.她取消了婚禮.
22.I've gone too far to stop now. ;22.我已深陷,難以自拔.
23.Once you sign the contract,there's no turning back. ;23.一旦你簽了約, 就無法挽回.
24.It's to late for you to chicken out. ;24.事到如今,你想做縮 頭烏龜已太遲.
25.We've moved beyond the point of no return. ;25.現(xiàn)在要折回太遲了, 我們已越過了不歸點
26.The die is cast . 27.I know this will eventually pay off. ;26.生米已煮成熟飯. 27.我知道這個到頭來 劃算.
Chapter 4. Impressions ;4. 印象
1.Don't make a bad impression on me. 2.I'm impressed. ;1.不要留給我壞印象. 2.我很佩服.
3.It was awesome! 4.He always has a good word for me. ;3.這令人肅然起敬! 4.他總是說我的好話。
5.He speaks well of her. 6.Offhand,I'd say he's stupid. ;5.他很贊賞她. 6.如果要我不假思索而 言我會說他很蠢.
7.There's something phony about that character. ;7.那個人有點兒虛假.
8.I have a tainted view of that type of person. ;8.我對那種類型的人 印象極差.
9.What will people think? ;9.你以為別人會作感想?
10.You know what they're going to put on your tombstone? ;10.你可知道他們會在你 的墓碑上寫些什么嗎
11.Please try to put your best foot forward with your new teacher,Bill. ;11.比爾,要做出最好的 表現(xiàn)給你的新老師看
Chapter 5. Philosophy Of Beauty ;5. 美的哲學(xué)
1.Beauty is only skin deep. ;1.美是膚淺的.
2.Beauty is skin deep, but ugliness is to the bone. ;2.美只是一張皮,但丑陋 卻深入骨.
3.A woman's beauty fades like a cut flower. ;3.美貌恰似剪下來的花 朵很快凋謝.
4.When the moon is full,I know it'll soon fade. ;4.每逢月滿,我知道它即 將虧蝕.
5.People are becoming more conscious of their appearance. 6.Thin is beautiful ;5.人們愈來愈注重個人 儀表. 6.苗條就是美.
7.Her face is definitely her fortune. ;7.容貌是她最大的本錢.
8.She has a face that sells. ;8.她的賣相很好.
9.What a sneaky face he has! ;9.他長得一臉奸相, 令人討厭!
10.This car sells by itself. ;10.這種車子不用多費唇 舌.靠它自己(的性能 名氣等)就賣得出去.
11.She looks like a bimbo. ;11.她看起來美中帶蠢.
Chapter 6. Compliments On Appearance ;6.恭維外貌
1.Looking good. 2.Looking sharp. 3.Looking hot! ;1.模樣兒不錯. 2.長得瀟灑. 3.看起來很撩人!
4.You really look great. 5.You look wonderful. ;4.你的氣色好極了. 5.你氣色很好.
6.You've got a great body! ;6.你有一副好身段!
7.You look clean and well groomed today. ;7.你今天打扮得很整潔.
8.He's clean as a whistle. ;8.他像口哨一般亮麗.
9.I'm just too darn attractive. ;9.我實在太吸引人了.
Chapter 7. Handsome ;7. 英俊
1.He's a good-looking kid. ;1.他是個長相漂亮的男 孩子.
2.He's tall,dark and handsome. 3.He's a fox. ;2.他高大、膚色健康又 英俊. 3.他很帥.
4.He's got dashing good looks. 5.He has looks I could die for. ;4.他雄姿英發(fā). 5.他貌若潘安.
6.He is a clean-cut kid who never gets in trouble. ;6.他是個衣著整齊、 眉目清秀、從不闖禍的 小孩.
7.You're a quite a dish in that suit. 8.You look snazzy. ;7.你穿那件衣服時,顯得 秀色可餐. 8.你的穿著新穎.
Chapter 8. Pretty ;8. 美麗
1.You're as lovely as a morning flower. 2.She's got the brains and the looks. ;1.你像綻放在晨曦里的 花朵. 2.她秀外慧中.
3.You're beautiful inside and out. ;3.你的美麗表里如一.
4.She's like a ray of sunshine coming into the room. ;4.她像一道陽光照亮了 屋子.
5.You're even better looking than I remembered. 6.She's very charming. ;5.你的風(fēng)采比我記憶中 的更好看. 6.她很嫵媚動人.
7.You're sweet. 8.She's cute as a button. ;7.你是個甜姐兒. 8.她長得秀氣.
9.You're a knockout. 10.You look gorgeous. ;9.你美得驚人. 10.你長得好美.
11.The girl in that movie is a blond bombshell. 12.You look stunning. ;11.那部電影里的女孩子, 是顆金發(fā)炸彈. 12.你令人目瞪口呆.
13.Her beauty left me breathless. 14.That woman is drop dead gorgeous. ;13.她的美麗使我喘不過 氣來. 14.那個女人美得要死.
15.She's unbelievable. 16.She has full lips. ;15.她令人難以置信. 16.她長得楚楚動人.
17.The model has a young and fresh look. ;17.這位模特兒洋溢著青 春、健美的氣息.
18.Evelyn has a pair of shapely legs. 19.She has such a curvaceous figure. ;18.艾琳有一雙曲線美好 的腿. 19.她的身段很美.
20.What a dish! 21.Va Va Va Voom! ;20.多么秀色可餐! 21.唷,長得真美!
22.She's a feast to the eyes. 23.Her beauty is at its peak. ;22.她是養(yǎng)眼之尤物. 23.現(xiàn)在是她一生中最美 麗的時刻.
24.It's downhill after that. ;24.過了這階段,她的美艷 漸不如昔.
Chapter 9.Skin ;9. 皮膚
1.I just adore her baby smooth skin. 2.She has such delicate skin. ;1.我實在很羨慕她一身 細(xì)嫩的皮膚. 2.她的皮膚美若凝脂.
3.You're starting to get wrinkles. ;3.你開始有皺紋了.
4.Her once-perfect skin now is showing lots of crow's feet. ;4.她一度完美的皮膚,已 呈現(xiàn)許多皺紋.
5.My zits are popping up left and right. 6.She's breaking out in zits. ;5.我的青春痘冒得滿都是 6.她開始長面皰了.
Chapter 10. To Age Well ;10. 不顯老
1.You look good for your age. ;1.以你的年齡而言,你的 看相還很好.
2.For a guy his age,he looks like a million ;2.像他那么一大把年紀(jì) 的人,卻還很健康.
3.She carries her years well. 4.She doesn't look old ;3.她駐顏有術(shù). 4.她不顯老.
5.To me,she is beautiful still. ;5.對我而言,她的風(fēng)采依 舊.
Chapter 11. Terrible-Looking ;11. 難看
1.You look a sight. 2.What a mess! 3.What a slob! ;1.你蓬頭垢面. 2.好臟! 3.邋遢鬼!
4.You look a wreck. 5.Drop dead,you creep! ;4.你顯得要死不活. 5.去死吧,你這討厭鬼!
6.I can't let her see me looking like this ;6.我不能讓她看見我這一 副失魂落魄的樣子.
7.They're all a bunch of dirty,mangy dogs. ;7.他們是一群賴皮狗.
8.Boy,you really smell When's the last time you took a bath? ;8.要命,你好臭,你多久 沒洗澡了?
9.You look like you just woke up. 10.You look like shit. ;9.你好像剛睡醒. 10.你一身狼狽.
11.He's kind of sickly looking. ;11.他面帶病容。
12.Here comes a sickly bony looking guy. 13.Jill looks frail. ;12.來個病骨嶙峋、 憔悴不堪的人。 13.季爾看來很虛。
Chapter 12. 12. Ugliness ;丑陋
1.She was a lot prettier before. 2.She is wanting in beauty. ;1.她從前比較漂亮。 2.她長得不漂亮。
3.She's just a plain Jane. ;3.她的長相稀松平常。
4.I'm just a plain Jane.Nothing fancy for me. ;4.我只是普通的女孩子。 用不著為我準(zhǔn)備 精美的東西。
5.She's an old bag. 6.She looks like an old witch. ;5.她是個丑老太婆。 6.她活像老巫婆。
7.She's ugly as hell. 8.He's beastly looking. ;7.她丑得要命. (如地獄這丑陋。) 8.他的模樣像野獸。
9.Her mug would stop a train. 10.She's a dog. ;9.她丑得嚇人。 10.她是一只丑烏鴉。
11.Her face can crack a mirror. ;11.她有一張會 嚇破鏡子的臉。
12.That woman could use a face lift. ;12.那個女人該去 做做拉皮手術(shù)了。
13.She had on more paint than my house! ;13.她臉上抹的脂粉, 比我家墻上的 油漆還厚。
14.A truckload of cosmetics wouldn't have helped her. ;14.一卡車的化妝品, 也幫不了她的忙。
Chapter 13. Suntan ;13. 日光浴
1.Let's go get a suntan. 2.I'm gonna go catch some rays. ;1.咱們曬太陽去吧。 2.我要去曬曬太陽。
3.Do you burn easily? ;3.你的皮膚很容易 曬黑嗎?
4.If you get too much suntan,you might wind up with skin cancer. ;4.如果你曬太多日光, 可能會得皮膚癌。
5.There's no getting around it.Tanning damages the skin. ;5.曬太陽一定會傷害皮 膚,這是無可避免的。
6.Put on your shades. 7.Your face looks like a tomato. ;6.戴上你的太陽鏡。 7.你的臉曬得通紅。
8.Her skin is flaking off. ;8.她的皮膚一片片剝落。
Chapter 14. Dieting ;14.節(jié)食
1.I'm a compulsive overeater. ;1.我是個無法自制的 過量飲食者。
2.A nibble here,a nibble there and pretty soon you'll be overweight. ;2.這兒吃一點、那里咬 一小口,你很快 就超重。
3.These pills will help you curb your appetite. ;3.這些丸子幫助你 遏制食欲。
4.I gain weight easily. 5.I gotta watch what I eat. ;4.我很容易發(fā)福。 5.我必須節(jié)制自己 的飲食。
6.A:Would you like some dessert? B:Thanks,but I'm on a diet. ;6.A:要不要來點兒甜食? B:謝謝,但我正在 節(jié)食中。
B:No ,thanks.I'm counting calories. ;B:謝謝,不用了。 我不能吃太多的熱量。
7.Cholesterol is becoming a national obsession. ;7.膽固醇醇已經(jīng)成了 舉國注目的問題。
8.I'd like to find a quick fix to this problem. ;8.我想找個輕而易舉的 方法來處理這問題。
9.I hope jogging can keep my weight down. ;9.我希望慢跑能使我的 體重減輕。
10.She's on a diet. That explains why she eats like a bird. ;10.她正在節(jié)食中,那是 為何她吃得像鳥兒 一樣少。
11.Skipping breakfast will ruin you. 12.I'm a dietitian. ;11.老不吃早餐會毀了你 12.我是營養(yǎng)學(xué)家。
13.I'm on a seafood diet.When I see food I eat it. ;13.我現(xiàn)在不吃海鮮, 但我一看到食物就 張口吃下去。
14.A:How about some ice cream? ;14.來點冰淇淋好嗎?
B:I'm on this strict diet,so I can't indulge. ;B:我正在厲行節(jié)食, 所以不敢貪吃。
15.I'm cutting down on sweets. 16.This is too rich for my blood. ;15.我正在減少吃甜食。 16.這對我來說太營養(yǎng)了
17.If I eat that doughnut,it'll go right to my hips. ;17.如果我吃了那個炸圈 它會直接跑到 我的臀部。
18.Come on! Break your diet tonight. 19.I'll have a teeny taste. ;18.哎呀,今晚不要管 那嘮什子“節(jié)食”了 19.我來嘗一點吧。
Chapter 15. Fat ;15. 肥胖
1.You've put on a few pounds. ;1.你的體重又增加了 好幾磅。
2.You've filled out a little.You look really good. ;2.你稍增加了一點兒 體重,但是顯得 恰到好處。
3.You're pleasantly plump. 4.You look fit. ;3.你的福態(tài)蠻好看。 4.你的身材恰到好處。
5.The weight looks good on you. ;你那一身體重看上去正好
6.She blurted out that I'm gaining weight. ;6.她直言無諱地說我 增加了體重。
7.She's a bit too pudgy. 8.He's a little bit chubby. ;7.她太胖了一點。 8.他稍微胖了些。
9.She is a fatso. 10.She looks like a beached whale. ;9.她是個大胖子. 10.她像是一條在 海灘擱淺的鯨魚。
11.He's fat as a blimp 12.She is obese and out of shape. ;11.他像飛船一樣胖。 12.她肥得離譜。
13.You're getting a thick waist. 14.I'm getting too paunchy. ;13.你的腰圍愈來愈粗。 14.我的腹部愈來愈圓滾
15.I've got a spare tire that won't go away. ;15.我有個不肯消失, 如預(yù)備胎的大肚子。
16.I have to feed him constantly.He's a bottomless pit. ;16.我必須經(jīng)常喂他, 他是個無底洞。
17.Hey.Meatball!What are you doing? ;17.嘿,大肉丸, 你在做什么?
Chapter 16. Thin ;16. 細(xì)瘦
1.He looks like a toothpick. ;1.他看起來像牙簽。
2.She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her. ;她的身材很苗條。
3.He's nothing but skin and bones. ;他一身瘦骨嶙峋。
4.You have to gain some weight. ;4.你必須再增加 一點體重。
Chapter 17. Health & Exercise ;17. 健康與運動
1.You're in peak shape. 2.You're as fit as a fiddle. ;1.你如日中天。 2.你的健康情形良好。
3.You're too skinny. 4.I've let myself go to pot too long. ;3.你太瘦了。 4.我已太久沒注意 自己的身體。
5.She has no muscle tone. 6.A little exercise won't kill you. ;5.她沒有結(jié)實的肌肉。 6.稍微運動一下, 不會要了你的命。
7.He seemed to be in the pink. 8.He's in tiptop shape. ;7.他看起來很健康。 8.他的健康情況極佳。
9.Let's do some warm ups. ;9.咱們熱身一下。
10.Make tennis part of your life. ;10.把打網(wǎng)球當(dāng)成你生活 的一部分。
11.I'm going jogging. I have to work off some steam. ;11.我要慢跑去,我必須 把身心的壓力散發(fā)掉
12.Jogging peps you up 13.I'm gonna go stretch out. ;12.慢跑會使你更有體力 13.我去伸一下懶腰。
14.I think I'll go for a walk. 15.I'm trying to get back into shape. ;14.我想去散下步。 15.我正在設(shè)法恢復(fù)健康
16.He's into bodybuilding. ;16.他喜歡鍛練身體。
Chapter 18. Healthy Eating ;18. 健康的飲食
1.I don't touch meat. I'm a vegetarian. 2.You are what you eat. ;1.我吃素,不碰肉食。 2.你吃什么就像什么。
3.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ;3.日食蘋果一只, 百病不侵免醫(yī)師。
4.Prepared foods often contain MSG. ;4.現(xiàn)成的食品 大都含有味精。
5.Don't eat that.It's very fattening. ;6.不要吃那個, 它很容易令人發(fā)福。
6.The average American is a fast food junkie. ;6.一般美國人貪吃 “快餐品”
7.You're so health-conscious. ;7.你太注重營養(yǎng)了。
Chapter 19. Hair ;19.頭發(fā)
1.With women,hair is part of the total picture. ;1.對女人來說,頭發(fā)是 她們整個形象中不可 或缺的一部分。
2.His mother begged him to cut off his ponytail. ;2.他母親求他把腦后 的豬尾巴剪掉。
3.I love your hair. 4.You have lovely, silky hair. ;3.我喜歡你的頭發(fā)。 4.你有一頭烏溜溜絲一般 的頭發(fā)。
5.Your new hairstyle is very flattering. 6.Stop flattering me. ;5.你的新發(fā)型平添你 不少姿色。 6.不要再夸獎我了。
7.She bleached her hair blond. ;7.她把頭發(fā)染成金黃色。
8.He's got a pretty goofy hairstyle. ;8.他的發(fā)型古怪。
9.My hair is all tangled up.I can't comb it out. ;9.我的頭發(fā)糾纏在一起, 梳不開。
10.You're wearing a wig? 11.He's going bald. ;10.原來你戴著假發(fā)。 11.他快變成禿頭了。
Chapter 20. In The Barbershop ;20. 理發(fā)店
1.I'd like my nails done. 2.How do you want it cut? ;1.我要修指甲。 2.你的頭發(fā)要怎么理?
3.Would you like a trim? 4.Give me the usual. ;3.你想稍微修修邊嗎? 4.按我平常要的發(fā)型 替我理下。
5.I'd like a crew cut. 6.Do you want it curled? ;5.我要理小平頭. 6.要把頭發(fā)弄卷曲嗎?
7.Would you like bangs? 8.I have very limp hair with no body ;7.要讓頭發(fā)蓋住額頭嗎? 8.我的頭發(fā)稀疏無力。
9.Would you like your hair colored? 10.I want my hair shoulder-length. ;9.你要染發(fā)嗎? 10.我要頭發(fā)垂到 肩部就好。
11.Please blow-dry my hair. ;請吹干我的頭發(fā)。
12.I'm a beautician, not a magician. ;12.我只是化妝師, 并不是魔術(shù)師。
13.It's fine. 14.It's perfect. 15.It will do. ;13.還好。 14.十全十美。 15.這就可以了。
16.This is just the way I wanted it. ;16.這正是我所要的樣子
Chapter 21. Bathroom Hygiene ;21. 浴室衛(wèi)生
1.Go get washed up. Dinner's ready. ;1.去把你的手臉洗干凈, 我們要吃晚飯了。
2.Remember to floss your teeth every day. ;2.記得要每天使用牙線。
3.I'm shaving. 4.I'm trimming my mustache. ;3.我在刮胡須。 4.我在修剪我的胡須。
5.I think I'll just gargle with water. I don't feel like brushing my teeth. ;5.我漱一下口就好; 我不想刷牙。
6.I need my toiletries and a few unmentionables. ;6.我需要帶些我的盥洗 用品,和一些不便 啟齒的東西。
7.I'm taking a bath/shower. 8.He never takes a bath. ;7.我在洗澡/沖涼。 8.他從來不洗澡。
Chapter 22. Restroom ;22. 廁所
1.I need take a pit stop. ;1.我必須去方便一下。
2.The phone always rings when I'm on the can. ;2.電話老是在我上 廁所時才響。
3.I can't hold it in any longer. 4.Sorry,nature calls. ;3.我內(nèi)急已無法再忍。 4.抱歉,我去方便一下。
5.May I be excused? It's an emergency. ;5.我可以暫時離開一 下嗎?是很急的事情。
6.Babies wet their beds easily. 7.He's making water. ;6.嬰兒們很容易尿床。 7.他在造水。
8.We aim to please. You aim too,please. ;8.我們存心討好你(所以 把廁所弄得這么舒適)。 也請你正對便器撒尿。
9.I am going to hit the woods. 10.I have to go potty. 11.Where's the john? ;9.我到樹林子里去方便一 下。 10.我要上廁所。 11.廁所在哪里?
12.Where can I wash my hands? ;12.我可以在哪兒洗個手?
13.The toilet is clogged and backed up. ;13.馬桶塞了,沖下去的 水都倒流出來了。
14.A:Can I use your bathroom? ;A:我可以借用一下你們 的廁所嗎?
B:Sorry,the bathroom is for patrons only. ;B:抱歉,廁所只供 顧客使用。
15.Your fly is open. ;15.你的褲襠沒關(guān)上。
Chapter 23. Appearance; Getting Dressed ;23. 貌與穿著
1.She's upstairs primping herself. ;1.她在樓上做 最后的打扮。
2.I want to freshen up a bit. ;2.我想去梳洗一下。
3.A: You look different. ;3.A:你看起來有 點兒不一樣。
B: I'm not wearing my makeup. ;B:那是因為我沒化妝 的緣故。
4.I don't have my face on. ;4.我還沒化妝。
5.I'll be right back. I need to powder my nose. ;5.我去補補妝, 馬上回來。
6.Some women prefer to sacrifice comfort for beauty. ;6.那些女人情愿為漂亮而 犧牲自己的舒適。
7.These days you need to be very image-conscious. ;7.這年頭你必須十分 注意自己的形象。
8.I'll get changed right away. ;8.我馬上穿好衣服來。
9.One minute.I'll just throw on a shirt. ;9.等一下,我去加件 襯衫。
10.No matter how many dresses a woman has she's always one short. ;10.女人有再多的衣服, 總是少一件。
11.Just pick anything. Don't go through everything in your closet. ;11.隨便穿一件。不要在 你的衣櫥里挑半天。
12.Are you decent? ;12.你穿著衣服嗎? (你有穿衣服嗎?)
13.Cover your shame. 14.He stood there stark naked. ;13.不要赤身露體。 14.他赤條條地站在那里。
15.I was shocked to find him there in his birthday suit. ;15.我看到他沒穿衣服時, 感到很驚訝。
16.You've got your sweatshirt on backwards. ;16.你的毛衣前后穿反了。
17.How do I look? ;17.我看起來如何?
18.A: Does this blouse match my skirt? B:No,the colors clash. ;18.A:這件上裝和我的 裙子搭配嗎? B:不,顏色不配。
19.This tie doesn't go with my jacket. ;19.這條領(lǐng)帶和我的 外衣不相稱。
20.A:How do I look? B:Not so hot. ;A:我看起來如何? B:沒多好看。
21.Do I have that million-dollar look? ;21.我看起來有富貴相嗎?
22.Very sharp! 23.What are you all dressed up for? ;22.你穿得好筆挺! 23.你打扮得那么漂亮 做什么呢?
24.A:Did you have that suit custom-made for you? ;24.你那套西裝是 訂制的嗎?
B:No,I bought it ready-made. ;B:不是,是買現(xiàn)成的。
B:No,I picked it off the rack. ;B:不是,是直接從商店的 售衣架上選購的。
25.If I'm going to meet the CEO,I want to look presentable. ;25.因為要見總裁, 我想穿得體面些。
26.It's very eye-catching. 27.That dress really flatters you. ;26.它很搶眼。 27.那件衣服使你顯得 很好看。
28.If you dressed like that,you'd be one of a kind. 29.It's flashy-looking. ;28.如果你穿成那樣, 一定與眾不同。 29.它看起來挺耀眼。
Chapter 24. Philosophy Of Clothing ;24. 穿的哲學(xué)
1.Wearing that cheap dress in public made me feel like two cents. ;1.在大庭廣眾里穿那種 廉價衣服,使我感到 十分寒酸。
2.He's a regular fashion buff. 3.He's a slave to fashion. ;2.他追求時髦的人。 3.你是流行服裝的奴隸。
4.Don't dress for fashion.Dress for comfort. ;4.不要為流行而穿, 要為舒適而著衣。
5.I'm a firm believer in dressing for success. ;5.我篤信穿好衣裳, 才不會被看癟。
6.He has impeccable taste in clothing. ;6.他很講究衣著的品味。
7.Don't wear tacky-looking clothes. ;7.不要穿那種看起來 陰陽怪氣的衣服。
8.That dress is a little too daring for the office. ;8.穿那件衣服到辦公室 去太狂了。
9.She's dressed to kill. ;9.她穿得很暴露。
10.Your outfit is so glittery and loud. ;10.你的衣服太耀眼 又俗氣。
11.Look at her small, skimpy bikini. ;11.你瞧瞧她那小得 不能再小的比基尼裝。
12.A:You shouldn't be wearing that dress. ;12. A:你不該穿那件衣服。
B:I'll wear what I like. ;B:我愛怎么穿就怎么穿。
13.Your clothes are too conservative. 14.Her clothes are too trendy. ;13.你穿的衣服太保守。 14.她的衣服太新潮。
15.Clothes make the man. ;15.人要衣裝,佛要金裝。
16.If you dress like a bum,you'll be treated like a bum. ;16.如果你穿著邋遢, 會被人看癟。
17.Fine feathers make fine birds. ;17.好衣著, 使人顯得體面。
18.Dress is speech. ;18.服裝是一種 無聲的語言。
19.It's the latest thing from Paris. ;19.這是從巴黎來的 最新款式。
20.The new fad is sweeping the country. ;這項新式風(fēng)靡全國。
Chapter 25. Shopping For Clothes ;25. 購衣
1.I always wore hand-me-downs when I was younger. ;1.我小時候總是穿兄姐 們的舊衣服。
2.I love baggy pants. They give me breathing room. ;2.我喜歡燈籠褲。 它們使我感到舒暢。
3.It has a nice pattern. 4.This dress looks so elegant. ;3.它的式樣不錯。 4.這件衣服看起來 很高雅。
5.Try it on. 6.Go see if it fits. ;5.試穿一下吧。 6.去看看合不合身。
7.What size do you wear? 8.These socks are one size fits all. ;7.你穿幾碼的? 8.這些襪子適合任何尺寸
9.These jackets are unisex. 10.This is too loose and big. ;9.這些夾克男女通用。 10.這條太大又太寬。
11.They're skintight. I can hardly breathe. ;11.這些衣服窄得繃在 肉上,我簡直不能 呼吸了。
12.It's a bad cut. 13.Fits me perfectly! ;12.這件衣服裁壞了。 13.這件衣服正合我身!
14.It fits me like a glove. ;14.這件衣服我穿起來 很貼身。
15.This fancy outfit costs a fortune. ;15.這件華麗的衣裳花了 我不少錢。
Chapter 26. Tailor ;26. 裁縫
1.Can you lengthen these pants for me? ;1.你能幫我把褲管 放長嗎?
2.I'll let out those trousers for you. ;2.我來把這條褲子改大 一點兒讓你穿。
3.The pants are too tight across the seat. ;3.這件褲子臀部太緊。
4.Please take up the hem. 5.I'd like my pants without cuffs. ;4.請把袖口提高點兒。 5.我不喜歡褲管反折。
6.The waistline is too skimpy. ;6.腰圍太窄了。
Chapter 27. Clothing Miscellaneous ;27. 衣著雜項
1.You didn't tie your shoelace. 2.I split my pants. ;1.你系好鞋帶子沒系好。 2.這的褲子裂了。
3.Look,you've got a rip right here. 4.Here,you've got a hole. ;3.瞧,你這兒脫線了。 4.哪,你這兒有個破洞.
5.The zipper is stuck. 6.I'll patch it for you. ;5.拉鏈卡住了。 6.我來替你打個補丁。
7.This shirt is a bit crumpled. ;7.這件襯衫太皺了些。
8.Your pants look like they've been slept in. ;8.你的褲子看起來 有點皺。
9.Do you have any laundry? 10.I'm hanging out my wash. ;9.你有臟衣服嗎? 10.我在晾衣服。
11.These stains won't come out. ;11.這些斑點怎么弄 也洗不掉。
Chapter 28. Vision ;28. 視力
1.Please keep your eyes peeled for my luggage while I'm away. ;1.我不在時請你幫我 留意一下行李。
2.Try to see the big picture. 3.My eyesight is twenty-twenty. ;2.你要看清大局。 3.我的視力良好。
4.Did you see what I saw? 5.You thought I was seeing things. ;4.你有看到我所 看見的嗎? 5.你以為我見了鬼。
6.She looked out the window with a blank stare. ;6.她茫然地凝視著窗外。
7.He has his gaze fixed on a distant object. ;7.他凝視遠(yuǎn)處的 一個目標(biāo)。
8.It's the little things that will kill us. ;8.常常都是些肉眼看不 到的細(xì)小的東西要了 我們的命。
9.A:Seen enough? B:Just about. ;9.A:你看夠了吧? B:差不多了。
10.There's not a man in sight. 11.Don't look at me like that. ;10.那里沒半個人影。 11.不要用那種眼光看我
12.Don't stare at me. 13.Are you blind? ;12.不要瞪著我。 13.你瞎了眼嗎?
14.I didn't get a good look at him. ;14.我對他沒看得很真確。
Chapter 29. Smells ;29. 嗅覺
1.A:Do I smell something burning? B:Yes,I burnt the toast. ;1.A:我是不是聞到什么 東西燒焦了? B:是呀,我烤焦了面包。
2.What's on fire? ;2.什么東西在燃燒?
3.Storing my clothes in the basement makes them smell musty. ;3.我的衣服貯存在地下室 聞起來有霉味。
4.There's noxious odor coming from the garbage can. ;4.有一股從垃圾桶飄來 的腐敗氣味。
5.There's a strong odor of mold in the basement. ;5.地下室里的霉味很重。
6.This place reeks of rotten meat. ;6.這地方腐肉的 腥臭撲鼻。
7.I find her perfume repugnant. ;7.我覺得她身上的香水 味道很討人厭。
8.It stinks! 9.What a smelly guy! ;8.好臭! 9.多臭的人!
10.He sure is a stinker. 11.He has an unbelievable armpit! ;10.他臭不可聞。 11.他的狐臭驚人。
12.Did you just rip one? ;12.你剛剛放屁嗎?
Chapter 30. Taste ;30. 味覺
1.This soup is little salty. ;1.這碗湯太咸了一點。
2.This Thai dish is so spicy, it'll burn your tongue. ;這道泰國菜辣得會燒舌頭
3.The sour candy made me pucker up. ;3.這酸糖果使我酸得 五官湊在一起。
31.Sounds ;31. 聲音
1.I heard birds chirping in the tree. ;1.我聽到鳥兒在枝頭啁啾
2.I heard someone screaming in agony. ;2.我聽到有人在痛苦 地尖叫。
3.That fire whistle is earsplitting. ;3.消防隊的哨音,快把 人的耳膜給撕裂了。
4.You're creating a disturbance. ;4.你在制造騷動。

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