"Free gift" - a gift is free. Even worse is "free giftwith purchase"
"Pre-owned" - This implies that someone has donethe owning for you. The word is "used".
Literally - "literally, there is smoke coming out of my ears". No. If there were smoke coming outof your ears you would be dead and unable to speak. Figuratively, literally drives me crazy.
Irregardless. Is this less or more regardless than regardless? Irregardless.
Obviously (and similar words) used in textbooks and lectures. If it's obvious to the reader,then he/she knows it is obvious. If not, then you have insulted your readers.
Actually. I have never actually seen a sentence that could be improved with the use of the word"actually".
Like when used as filler. I once overheard two girls (teens) speaking. One said "I know he likelikes me, but does he, like, like me like me or does he just, like, like me?"
"I don't want to be rude but...." If you don't want to be rude, stop talking. If you do want tobe rude, then start talking but without this phrase.
"I'm not racist but...." This phrase, in my experience, is only used to preface a raciststatement.