2. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.
3. The cat did it.
4. When the cat's away, the mice will play.
貓是老鼠的天敵。沒有貓,老鼠就會肆意妄為。在中世紀的歐洲,基督教徒曾認定貓是魔鬼附身的動物,數(shù)以萬計的貓因此被處死。不料,貓的厄運招致老鼠的猖獗。很快,鼠害成災,黑死病一波接一波的橫掃歐洲大陸。這段慘痛的歷史教訓充分證明“貍貓不在,老鼠鬧債”——When the cat's away, the mice will play.
類似諺語也出現(xiàn)在其他歐洲語言中。在法國,人們說“只要貓上了房,老鼠就在地上忙”——When the cat runs on the roofs, the mice dance on the floors.
德國人則說“家里沒了貓,老鼠伸懶腰”——Cat outside the house, response for the mouse。
5. A cat may look at a king.
“貓也可以傲視國王”,意思是,“既然貓都可以傲視國王,那么人人平等更是理所當然,小小老百姓也應(yīng)該有說話的權(quán)利。”這一成語來源于德國。據(jù)說16世紀巴伐利亞國王馬克西米利安一世曾造訪一家木雕作坊。作坊主的貓一直懶洋洋地臥在桌上看著這個國王,臉上滿是猜疑的神情。這只貓能肯定想不到,一句諺語會因它而生——“貓也能傲視皇帝”(Darf doch die Katze den Kaiser ansehen. "Even a cat may look at an Emperor.")。到了法國,這句話成了“狗也能傲視主教”(Un chien regarde bien un eveque. "Even a dog may look at a bishop.")
6. A cat has nine lives.
英語國家的人相信,貓這種動物命大,福大,造化大。2001年,美洲動物醫(yī)療協(xié)會雜志刊登過一份研究報告,研究人員調(diào)查了132起貓從高空墜地的事件,墜地的平均高度是六層樓,結(jié)果百分之九十的貓墜地后都存活下來了。它們在空中靈活地翻轉(zhuǎn)身體,四肢著地,爪子上的肉墊大大緩解了墜地時的沖力。古人對此肯定也有所了解,認為“貓有九條命”(A cat has nine lives。)。下面這段故事講一條名叫“船長”的小獵狗如何命大,就以“貓有九條命”做對照:
Mischief was Captain's middle name. One time, I remember he decided to take a look at the roof of the conservatory. Portly little Captain found his way out on to the roof much to Mr Woolley's dismay. He then followed in the Captain's foot-step, or should I say paw prints, in order to rescue his poor hound. Unfortunately Mr Woolley slipped and spent the next a few days unconscious in hospital. But Captain was fine. Talk about a cat's nine lives!
7. He's like a cat; fling him which way you will. He'll light on his legs.
貓之所以摔不死,是因為它們高超的著地本領(lǐng)。過去形容一個人大難不死或逢兇化吉,就說“他像一只貓,不管怎么扔,都會以腿著地”(He's like a cat; fling him which way you will. He'll light on his legs。)。
8. There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with cream.