1. Write Her a Facebook Message
Getting in touch electronically is one of the easiest ways to catch up. But what do you say in that first note? Start with some information about how busy you’ve been and then add in details about what you’ve been doing. Sharing updates about your life can encourage your friend to reply with the same openness. Once you’ve reconnected, make plans to see each other in person. You can’t substitute Facebook or other forms of social media for real relationships.
2. Reconnect Over a Favorite Pastime
An activity that you used to do together can rev up a stalled friendship. Since that drew you together in the past, it should reignite positive memories and bring you closer again Start by emailing your friend with a list of shared favorite activities and suggest doing one of those. Anything from going shopping to visiting that coffee shop you both love can rebuild your bond.
3. Send a Handwritten Card
A note in the mail can be a welcome surprise for a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. And there’s no need to wait until a holiday for an excuse to send it; a "just because" card can restart your relationship anytime. Women are busy and don’t want to feel that the friendship comes with too many strings attached. So avoid mentioning the past or specific dates when you’re available to meet up. Instead, leave the message open-ended, explaining that you’re available for lunch or drinks in the next couple of weeks, she says. And remind her of the best way to contact you.