譯文:宋國有個姓丁的人,家里沒有水井,需要出門到遠(yuǎn)處去打水澆田,因此常有一人在外專管打水。等到他家打了水井的時候,他告訴別人說:“我家打水井得到了一個人?!甭犃说娜司腿鞑ィ骸岸〖彝诰诘搅艘粋€人?!本幼≡趪贾械娜硕荚谡?wù)撨@件事,使宋國的國君知道這件事。宋國國君派人向丁家問明情況,丁家人答道,“得到一個空閑的人的勞力,并非在井內(nèi)挖到了一個活人?!?br />這則寓言故事告訴我們:不要輕信傳言,不要傳播未經(jīng)自己思考的話,切忌道聽途說。耳聽為虛,眼見為實(shí)。不要聽到什么傳聞之后就外傳,要動腦筋想一想是否合乎情理,不要人云亦云,聽到風(fēng)就是雨,以致于以訛傳訛。
丁氏對曰:“自臣穿井,家得一人之力矣,非得一人于井也?!?br />——《子華子》
The Man Who was Found in the Well
The Ding family in the state of Song had no well of its own. Someone in the family sometimes had to spend a whole day doing nothing but fetch water from a distance.
To save trouble, they had a well sunk in their courtyard.
After the job was finished, they said to one another happily, "It seems with the sinking of the well one more person is added to our household."
One of Ding's friends heard of the remark and the word passed from that friend to that friend's friend and yet to another, until the story ran as follows: "The Dings had a well sunk and found a man inside!"
When the Duke of Song heard the tale he sent for Ding of inquire into the matter.
"With the sinking of the well it is as though your obedient servant has secured the help of a man," explained Ding to the duke, "it isn't that I actually found a man in the well."
Zi Hua Zi