The ruler in this country was as monstrous as amonster. He did not know that a molecule is made up of atoms, so he forbade the others to go to school. He installed monitors everywhere tomonitor the people. The monetary system became a government monopoly. The ruler was in no moodfor thinking of modernization. Every time his subordinates asked to see him, he always answered, “I am watching TV for the moment. I am busy at the moment. Wait for a moment. I will come in a moment.” His subordinates waited and waited but could not see him. One day, the ruler wanted to build a monument to himself. He wasn’t modest at all. A huge mold was modified to build the monument. The moist season set in and the moisture made the builder work harder. The monument was done. The moment the ruler saw it, he cried with momentaryexcitement. Now he had another ridiculous request. He forced all the ministers to pay homage to themonument monthly! Nobody was interested in his monotonous show, but none of them dared to say that.