Sell One's Birthright for a Mess of Pottages 直譯是:“為了一碗紅豆湯而出賣了長子繼承權(quán)”。
《舊約.創(chuàng)世紀(jì)》第 25 章記述了這樣一個故事傳說:猶太族長以撒的妻子利百加懷孕期間,感覺到 2 個胎兒在她腹內(nèi)互相踢打,就去問耶和華,耶和華對她說:“兩國在你腹內(nèi),兩族要從你身上出來,這族必強(qiáng)于 那族,將來大的要服小的。”
后來,利百加果然生下一對孿生兄弟,哥哥叫以掃,弟弟叫雅各。兩兄弟長大后,以掃好動,常外出打 獵;雅各則常在家里幫助料理家務(wù)。有一天,以掃打獵回來,又饑又渴,看見弟弟雅各在熬豆湯,就對他說:“我餓極了,給我喝點紅豆湯吧!”雅各說:“你要喝湯,就把你的長子權(quán)賣給我。”以掃說:“你都要餓死了,要這長子權(quán)有什么用呢?”于是,他便按雅各的要求,對天起誓,把長子權(quán)賣給雅各,換來餅和紅豆 湯。以掃吃飽喝足后,起身走了。他哪里想到,為了這碗紅豆湯,他的后裔便注定要服事雅各的后裔。
由此,人們用 to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage 短語,來比喻 to exchange something of lasting value for something that is of value for a short time only;to suffer a big loss for a little gain. 這個成語常縮略為 for a mess of pottage 的形式。有時也可用 to sell one's birthrights.
Eg: It was argued that joining the Common Market...would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage.
There are many, many people who are willing to prostitute their intelligence for a mess of pottage.