Ability Comes from Courage
"You never know what you can do till you try." British novelist Frederick Marryatperfectly summarizes a human problem-fear impedes tlevelopment. How many times haveyou heard someone say-or have you said-"I can't do that", when the actual meaning is 'Pvenever tried that"?
After six years ofriding a bike to work,I got terribly sick from the pollution, and after thatI had to take the subway. It was stuffy and crowded; and I hated it. I often saw people ridingelectric bikes, but I never thought I could, since I'd never done it before. This past summer, however, commuting by subway became so terrible that I finally bought myself an electric bike.
I was afraid, but I was determined to leam. Guess what? I found it was easy-and I was goodat it!
Now I find myself telling friends who are frustrated with their work commute to buy anelectric bike-and when they say "I can't:', I tell them, "As long as you have courage, you'IIgain the ability tomaster it."