李華跟Larry去參加Larry公司舉辦的野餐會,結果迷路了。今天我們要學兩個常用語:wild goose chase和face the music.
LH: Larry, 你能肯定我們沒走錯嗎?按理說早該到了???
LL: I'm just following the directions my boss gave me - although, we should have been there a half hour ago. Let me turn around...again.
LH: 你就該聽我的,在剛才那個加油站停下來問問路。
LL: We already asked for directions three times...I don't know why he wanted to have the party so far out of the city. It looks like this is nothing but a wild goose chase.
LH: A wild goose chase? 追野鵝?我們找路還來不及呢,哪還有時間去追野鵝?
LL: Oh, that's just a phrase people say when they are looking for something they will never find. And I don't think we are going to find this picnic ground.
LH: 哦,原來a wild goose chase,意思是徒勞無功的尋找,白費勁。你老板不是告訴你路了嗎?
LL: Maybe he gave me the wrong directions? Or maybe I wrote them down incorrectly. I don't know, but I don't think he would send me on a wild goose chase on purpose.
LH: 那上星期我們轉了半天也沒有找到你表弟足球比賽的賽場,也可以說是a wild goose chase了?
LL: Yep, that was a wild goose chase too. No one told me that the game was canceled! I was looking for hours...
LH: 這么說,你上上個周末說要帶我去一片新聽別人介紹的沙灘,結果怎么也找不到,也是a wild goose chase!
LL: Lihua, you have such a good memory. Yes, we've been on many wild goose chases together. But, keep in mind that you have taken me on a wild goose chase or two in the past as well.
LH: 我也帶你做過這種無用功嗎?我怎么不記得?
LL: Like last Wednesday when you sent me to get sushi from a restaurant that was still under construction.
LH: Oh, yea...
LL: Or the time we went to three different subway stations looking for your friend when she was actually waiting at the airport...
LH:Oh, right...
LL: Or, the time when..
LH: 好了好了,我承認,咱倆找路的本事都不怎么樣!不過這次可既不是你的責任,也不是我的責任。
LL: That's right. Today, I'm going to blame the wild goose chase on my boss giving me the wrong directions.
LH: Larry, 我看今天沒希望了,如果你不到,老板會不會一氣之下,炒你的魷魚?
LL: We were supposed to be celebrating his birthday today at the picnic...If I don't show up at this party, he won't be happy when he sees me in the office. I guess I have no choice but to go face the music at work on Monday.
LH: face the music?難道說你老板生氣的時候喜歡聽音樂嗎?
LL: No quite. To have to face the music means having to accept the negative consequences of something you have done.
LH: 哦,to face the music就是為自己的所作所為承擔后果,你是說星期一只好硬著頭皮去見老板嘍?
LL: That is unfortunately the case. I have no choice but to see him on Monday, so I guess I will have to face the music.
LH: 哎,我更慘,為了跟你來野餐, 我把復習的時間都搭進去了,明天考試,I will have to face the music when I take the exam.
LL: What? Oh, no! I didn't know you had a test on Monday. I would hate for you to have to face the music because of my boss' mistake.
LH: 怎么樣?夠哥們吧?為了陪你,我連功課都不顧了。
LL: Oh, we are definitely ending this wild goose chase immediately. Maybe you will have some time to study if we head home now.
LH: Larry, 你看, 快沒油了,得趕緊找個加油站。
LL: Find a gas station out here in the countryside? I don't know...sounds like another wild goose chase to me.
LH: 再偏僻的地方也得有加油站啊,我們還是快找吧,一旦真沒油了,我們就必須得face the music and walk home,走回家了。
LL: (Sign) I'll face the music anyway once I get my gas bill at the end of the month. All these wild goose chases sure waste a lot of gas!
今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是wild goose chase, 意思是徒勞無功地尋覓。另一個是face the music, 意思是承擔后果。