Larry想和李華,還有她那些中國朋友多在一起玩兒,了解更多的中國文化。他們會用到兩個說法:once in a blue moon和pull one's leg.
Larry: Hey, Lihua, there you are. I haven't seen you all day. What have you been up to?
LH: 我剛才跟幾個中國同學出去喝珍珠奶茶啦,就是bubble tea!
Larry: Bubble tea, huh? What is that?
LH: 你從沒聽說過珍珠奶茶?我簡直不能相信!
Larry: Haha, is it that surprising? Actually, sometimes I wish I could tag along with you guys. You know, so I could learn more about the Chinese culture.
LH: 真的嗎?Larry,我還以為你對嘗試新事物沒什么興趣呢。
Larry: Aw.... come on, Lihua. Even I'll admit that it's fun to try new things once in a blue moon.
LH: 啊?你說什么moon?
Larry: In a blue moon. "Once in a blue moon" means once in a long while or on a rare occasion.
LH: 我明白了,"once in a blue moon"就是不經常,很久發(fā)生一次,對嗎?
Larry: Yes. I don't think I'd enjoy being confronted with new things all the time, but every once in a blue moon it can be fun.
LH: 你是說,你不喜歡成天被新事物包圍,但是好久來那么一下子,偶爾接觸點新鮮的東西,還是不錯的。這樣吧Larry,下次我們再去喝bubble tea的時候,我一定叫上你。
Larry: Sounds great! How often do you go get bubble tea anyway?
LH: 其實我們也很少去。We only go once in a blue moon.
Larry: Hmm, well, if you only get bubble tea once in a blue moon, what are you always doing with your Chinese friends? I never know what you guys are up to.
LH: 其實我們主要也就是吃吃喝喝啦。這個周末我們要去吃粵式點心。Have you ever heard of點心, dim sum?
Larry: Dim sum...hmm. Sounds exotic. What's that?
LH: 就是很多好吃的廣東小吃!有鍋貼,蘿卜糕,耗油芥藍... 有時候,once in a blue moon, 我們還會點鳳爪 - chicken feet!
Larry: Chicken feet??? Yuck! Who would eat that? Lihua, are you pulling my leg?
LH: 什么?Pulling your leg? 拉你的腿?
Larry: No, I mean are you playing a joke on me?
LH: 哦,"pull your leg"就是開玩笑唬你的意思??晌覜]有瞎說啊,鳳爪,也就是雞腳,可是非常好吃哦!
Larry: Oh my goodness! Well, if they're so delicious, how come you say you only eat them once in a blue moon?
LH: 主要是因為鳳爪吃著麻煩,好多小骨頭,而且比較油膩,我怕長胖嘛!
Larry: OK, now I know you're pulling my leg!
LH: 我沒有唬你啊。Larry,我們中國人吃的東西有時是比較奇怪,但真的很好吃。
Larry: Gross!
LH: 不喜歡算了,下次去吃好吃的不叫你。
Larry: Come on, there's got to be something Chinese I can do with you guys.
LH: Hmm, 我想一想啊,我知道了!你喜歡唱K么?KTV?
Larry: KTV? You mean karaoke? I don't know, Lihua. I don't really like singing...
LH: Are you pulling my leg, Larry? 上次我明明聽見你帶著耳機在唱Lady Gaga的歌!
Larry: That's different! I'm too shy to sing in front of other people...I don't even know your friends that well.
LH: 哎呀沒事!Larry,你唱歌挺好聽的!
Larry: Me? Sing well? Ha. Now I know you're pulling my leg.
LH: I'm not pulling your leg! 我說真的!你怎么老覺得我在糊弄你?
Larry: OK, OK, no need to get upset. You're right. I do like to sing once in a blue moon, but I don't know if I could do it in front of other people...
LH: Larry, 不是你要了解中國文化嘛?還這么多事兒。
Larry: I've got an idea. Let me start with that bubble tea stuff. I've had tea before. How weird can it be? I know you guys only go get bubble tea once in a blue moon, but I can wait. Why do they call it bubble tea anyway?
LH: 他們叫珍珠奶茶是因為茶里有很多很有嚼勁的小圓子!看起來像珍珠一樣!
Larry: Really? And what are the black bubbles made of?
LH: 嗯...是用雞腳做的!
Larry: Wow.
LH: 哈!Larry, this time I was pulling your leg. 這回我是逗你的啦!
Larry: Oh! Come on, Lihua...
今天李華從Larry那兒學到兩個常用語。一個是once in a blue moon, 表示非常少見,很久才發(fā)生一次。另一個是pull one's leg,是糊弄、欺騙某人的意思。