Lesson Introduction
We are curious by nature, always asking questions. In this lesson, we are going to learn how to formulate correctly a question using "if". It can be tricky, and there are many ways of doing it! Join Catherine and Marco as they walk you through this grammar structure so you too, will be asking; "If you had a million dollars, what would you do?"
A: Okay, next question. If Eric asked you out on a date, what would you say?
B: Duh! I would say yes! Eric is the most popular kid in school! Okay, my turn. What would you do if you won the lottery?
A: Let's see.... If I won the lottery, I would buy two tickets for a trip around the world.
B: If you buy me a ticket I will go with you for sure!
A: My dad will freak out if I even mention a trip like that!
B: Alright this is a good one. What would your mom say if you told her you are going to get married?
A: If I told her that, she would faint and have me committed!
will freak out to lose one's nerve, become suddenly anxious
asked you out to request a date
committed put in a mental hospital
going to get married to join in marriage p
date a romantic meeting
be in your shoes to be in the place of someone
sleepover An instance of spending the night as a guest at another's home.
hypothetical Suppositional; uncertain Adjective
gossip Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.
daydream To have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake.
will freak out to lose one's nerve, become suddenly anxious
asked you out to request a date
committed put in a mental hospital
going to get married to join in marriage p
date a romantic meeting
be in your shoes to be in the place of someone
sleepover An instance of spending the night as a guest at another's home.
hypothetical Suppositional; uncertain Adjective
gossip Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.
daydream To have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake.
will freak out to lose one's nerve, become suddenly anxious
asked you out to request a date
committed put in a mental hospital
going to get married to join in marriage p
date a romantic meeting
be in your shoes to be in the place of someone
sleepover An instance of spending the night as a guest at another's home.
hypothetical Suppositional; uncertain Adjective
gossip Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.
daydream To have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake.
First Conditional
►If you study hard, you will pass the test.
► Mary will be very sad if Joe leaves.
►If it's sunny today, we will go to the park.
Second Conditional
►I would get a divorce if I were you.
► We wouldn't be so late if Nick drove faster!
►If I won a million dollars, I would buy you a diamond ring.
►He was committed to fifty hours of community service for his crimes.
►The judge had him committed to a mental institution.
►If you get committed to an asylum, can you eventually get out?
freak out
►Don't freak out, we can solve this problem in five minutes.
►Why did you freak out when I told you I'd be late for dinner?
► Oh my gosh! I'm going to meet Justin Timberlake! I'm totally freaking out!
ask (someone) out
► When asking someone out choose your moment carefully and practise what you might say in advance so that you don't appear tongue-tied.
►I heard you asked your new neighbor out on a date!
►I really want to ask Jeff out, but what if he says no?