Lesson Introduction
You wake up in the morning with a dry mouth, a huge headache, and a sore stomach, and you realize that you can't go to work. Then you remember the previous night and all the beer you drank and you realize you have a hangover. In this English lesson, we are teaching you the language you need to describe how you’re feeling. Check out this podcast and you’ll learn lots of great vocabulary for talking about going out with your friends, and waking up the next day feeling bad.
A: Are you okay, man? You don't look very well.
B: Ugh, I feel terrible. I went out last night with Trevor and things got a little out of hand.
A: Nice! So, where did you guys go?
B: We hit a couple of local bars, and met up with some friends. Everything was cool until Mike came along, and it turned out that it was his birthday yesterday!
A: Oh no! Mike's birthday is a drinkfest for sure!
B: Tell me about it! We drank everything in the bar!
A: Is that why you missed work today?
B: Yeah. I woke up this morning feeling really nauseous. I threw up like five times.
A: Eww!
B: gonna drink was so dehydrated that I drank like a gallon of water, and my head has been pounding all day. I swear, I'm never gonna drink again!
A: Too bad man, tonight is Tracy's going away party and she asked if you were gonna go.
B: Oh, yeah. I'm there!
got a little out of hand become out of control
hit to go to (a place)
turned out to happen a certain way
Tell me about it I agree; I understand
nauseous feel like you are going to vomit
threw up vomit
dehydrated lacking water
pounding to beat loudly and quickly
wasted very drunk (slang)
barf to vomit
pain killers medicine you take to cure a headache
I feel like death I feel very bad
hair of the dog drink alcohol when you have a hangover to cure it phrase
got a little out of hand
► The party last night got out of hand;the neighbors called the police.
► Guys, this argument is getting out of hand. Let's all calm down.
► Honey, the kids are getting a little out of hand. Can you do something?
► We have to go to Jessica's birthday party. It's gonna be a chick fest for sure!
►It was a real food fest last night at Pete's house. There was enough food to feed a small country!
► You have to come to the party tonight. It's gonna be a beer fest!
► If you get nauseous on the plane, take two of these pills.
► Every time I get on a boat, I feel really nauseous.
►0 It's normal to feel nauseous sometimes during a pregnancy.
threw up
► If you have too much to drink you will throw up later.
► If you feel like you are going to throw up, be sure to tell me so I can pull over.
► Carl got on the roller coaster and threw up all over me!
► I have a pounding pain in my head. Do you have any aspirin?
►I can't take it anymore. I've had a pounding headache all morning.
► My heart started pounding the moment I saw my ex girlfriend.