Lesson Introduction
Here at EnglishPod we want to cover all aspects of real life english and on this occasion, we will teach you some great sci-fi words and phrases. Join us today in our first ever sci-fi podcast that will teach you all about spaceships, androids and more!
A: They are breaking through! Set your blasters to full power!
B: Excellent job. Search the ship, she’s gotta be in here somewhere... bring her to me!
C: Lord Hater, we have a survivor here...
B: Where is she? Don’t make me destroy you, tell me where she is!
D: Not so fast! She will no longer be your prisoner!It’s time you and I settled this once and for all!
B: You are unwise to think you can defeat me. You know nothing of the power of the obscure side!
D: We will stop you...
C: Lord Hater! We have an unidentified spacecraft taking off from the rear dock! They somehow managed to escape our tractor beam!
B: After them!
C: They are accelerating towards the speed of light We lost them, sir...
break through get through by force
blaster the parts of a spaceship that are used for emitting bombs
settle finish, end
once and for all forever
unwise not wise, silly
manage be able to do
tractor beam a device used for attracting one project to another from a distance
speed of ligh the rate at which light travels. 299 792 458 meters per second
android a robot that looks like a person
galaxy any one of the very large groups of stars that make up the universe
constellation a group of celestial bodies (usually stars) that appear to form a pattern in the sky or appear visibly related to each other.
parsec is a unit of length, equal to just under 31 trillion kilometres or about 3.26 light-years
light-year the distance traveled in one year traveling at the speed of light