Triangle 恐怖游輪
Jess is a single mother to Tommy, who is autistic. Encouraged by her friend, Greg, to take some time for herself, she joins him and his friends for a day of sailing. Soon, they get caught in a freak electrical storm which capsizes their boat, forcing them to seek refuge in a passing ocean liner. Once on board, they realize that the ship is empty. Jess, however, feels that she has been there before。
As the group explores the ship further, strange things begin to happen. Jess finds her keys tossed on the floor, food appears to have been prepared for the group, and footsteps are heard in the halls. A masked figure stalks the group while Jess attempts to piece together the unfolding mystery as well as survive.
海瑟(艾瑪·朗 Emma Lung 飾)、薩莉(Rachael Carpani 飾)、唐尼(漢瑞·尼克 Henry Nixon 飾)、格雷格(麥克·道曼 Michael Dorman 飾)、維克托和杰西,三對男女相約駕駛游艇“三角洲號”出海游玩,不久,他們便在海上遭遇一場強烈的風暴。游艇翻船,眾人落海,幾經(jīng)掙扎他們好不容易爬到游艇殘骸上來。正當他們無計可施之時,一艘巨大的游輪向眾人緩緩駛來。這群男女欣喜過望,未加思索便登上這艘名為“艾俄洛斯”的游輪,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)這竟是一艘1930年便告失蹤的神秘之船,而船上更是空無一人。隨處可見的鮮血、神秘的指示以及突如其來的兇殺事件,將這群男女帶入萬劫不復的恐怖輪回之中……