Two of the most powerful wizards in fiction, Dumbledore from Harry Potter and Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, have got hitched.
Obviously, they’re not real so two actors dressed up as the characters did the deed today in Kansas in a stunt staged by LGBTQ rights activist group Planting Peace.
A video posted by the organisation shows the happy couple in front of the wedding officiant saying: ‘In the end we became united in the deep solidarity to create a piece only known in fiction and bring it into reality in our time.
Aaron Jackson, Planting Peace’s president, told the Huffington Post: ‘We are delighted to be hosting the Dumbledore and Gandalf wedding and stand with them in the face ofbigotry and celebrate equality for all.’
“播種和平”組織的主席艾倫·杰克遜告訴《赫芬頓郵報》: “我們很高興能夠主持鄧布利多和甘道夫的婚禮,與他們一同面對他人的不解并歡慶人人平等。”
The wedding was hosted in their rainbow-coloured headquarters opposite the Westboro Baptist Church, which had threatened to picket the nuptials after it was originally suggested by Harry Potter author JK Rowling.
Just before gay marriage was legalised in Ireland, JK Rowling tweeted that she hoped the two wizards would be able to get married.
Rowling has previously revealed that Dumbledore is gay.