Lesson Introduction: Do you often invite friends to party at your house? Or, are you a popular friend who often gets invited by others? In today's podcast, you will learn how to invite others as well as accept an invitation in English. You'll also learn some useful expressions to complain about your friend.
A: Oh, Armand, thank you for such a thoughtful invitation! It’s really very nice of you to invite us overfor dinner, don’t you think so, Ellen?
B: Oh, yes of course! We’d love to come over. Can Ibring anything?
C: No, don’t worry about it; I’ll take care of everything. I’ll see you tonight. Come with an appetite...I know I will!
B: I don’t want go over to his place for dinner! He gives me the creeps! Why on earth did you accept?
A: Oh come on Ellen, it will be nice to get to know him. Besides, he’s new to the neighborhood, and it would be rude to decline his invitation.Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.B: I guess so... You always rope me into things like this!
C: Ladies! Thank you for coming! You look delicious... I mean beautiful. Please come in.
A: Oh Oh Armand! You are too kind!
B: How did I get myself into this...
thoughtful showing concern for the needs and feelings of other people
appetite a physical desire of food
give the creeps make someone to feel scared and uncomfortable
get to know start to know, become familiar with someone
why on earth (expression to emphasize surprise or frustration)
decline say you will not or cannot do something
rope into convince someone to do something
make yourself at home polite way to ask guests to make themselves comfortable
hospitable being a friendly and caring host to the guests
potluck a party that requires everybody to bring food
housewaming a party to celebrate moving into a new home