Chapter 5
The Cosmic Bridge Generator quivered and hummed, its crimson glow permeating everything around it. Captain America ducked behind his shield, eyes closed tightly. Even then he could see the brilliant red light coming from the generator. Tony lowered polarized lenses over the eye ports on his helmet. He couldn't escape the otherworldly red, either.
“There!” said Iron Man as he tapped a sequence into the keypad on his right gauntlet. He sounded more confident than he felt. Just as quickly as it had started, the generator powered down. The quivering and humming stopped, and the red glow faded. Raising the polarized lenses inside his helmet, Tony looked toward the generator. Standing before it were two figures. What if I just made everything worse?
“Anyone get the license plate of that truck?” asked Falcon, rubbing his head. Beside him stood Black Widow. Both heroes looked stunned, unsure of their surroundings.
“You guys all right?” asked Iron Man as he turned to face Widow. He was relieved to see that her eyes were back to normal. Tony Stark raised his visor and grinned. That was close. . . .
“I'm fine, Tony,” answered Widow. “I just can't remember anything that happened since we arrived at Outpost 13 and were attacked.”
Falcon nodded. “Last thing I remember is entering Outpost 13. We were ambushed by a beast with lots of long slimy arms. Then there was a flash of red, and the next minute—wham—here we are!”
“Someone activated the generator and it knocked you guys out and sucked you inside . . . into another dimension,” Tony explained. “The Falcon and Black Widow who attacked me and Cap? Doppelgängers. Duplicates. Imitations.”
The heroes swiveled their heads in unison as they heard the generator hum back to life. Standing in the breached wall was Dr. Blair, looking panicked. He was moving his finger over a device that resembled a wristwatch.
“Can you shut that down, Doc?” groaned Tony. “We've had enough fun with this doohickey today.”
“You have to stop them, Iron Man!” blurted Dr. Blair, sounding hysterical. “Those two destroyed Outpost 13! They captured all the S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists!”
“Who's this quack?” asked Falcon, jerking a thumb at the doctor.
Black Widow studied Dr. Blair carefully. “I've never seen you before,” she said warily.
Dr. Blair looked at Tony, shaking his head. “Don't trust them, Iron Man! They were so quick to turn on us before, so ready to attack! What if they do it again?” He slowly started walking toward Tony.
“Take a deep breath, Doc,” said Tony.
The doctor eyed Black Widow and Falcon with suspicion. “You have to destroy them, Iron Man—while we still can!”
“Doc, you really need to relax! The Black Widow and Falcon we were fighting before were imitations. These are the real deal.”
“Yes, they are,” grunted Dr. Blair.
Blair's arm suddenly turned into a tentacle and grabbed Iron Man, smacking him to the ground! The appendage dripped with thick slime and left a sticky green residue on everything it touched. Wrapping around Iron Man's helmet, the tentacle began to squeeze tighter and tighter.
As Tony struggled to free himself, the Avengers raced to his side. More tentacles exploded from Blair's body and snaked out in all directions, stopping the heroes dead in their tracks. Unleashing two repulsor blasts that hit Blair in the stomach, Iron Man knocked the doctor back into the massive machinery. Blair eased his grip just enough for Tony to escape.
Dr. Blair's shape began to swell and deform like a marshmallow in a microwave oven. The mass reformed until it was a large yellow-green blob with eight long appendages. Its eyes glowed red with hate.
“That's something you don't see every day,” said Falcon.
The creature unleashed two arms at Black Widow, trying to wrap them around her wrists. But her lightning-fast reflexes kicked in, and she fired off several shots from her Widow's Bite gauntlets. The electric bolts hit the creature and scorched its tentacles.
The beast lashed out once more, this time at Captain America. In one fluid motion, Cap hurled his shield at the creature's head and then hit the ground in a somersault, ducking below its eight limbs. Cap came out of the roll and firmly planted his fist in its face.
The pulsating mass towered over the Avengers and spoke with venom. “I am not of this world.”
Tony walked closer to the creature as the other Avengers closed in behind him, ready for battle. The Cosmic Bridge Generator hummed. “This,” began Tony, nodding toward the apparatus, “is pretty important to you, huh?”
The twisted shape spat out its barbed tongue in disgust. “You'll have no answer from me, human.”
Its raspy voice made Tony's flesh crawl.
“Fair enough,” Tony concluded, then whirled around and blasted the generator to pieces with his repulsors. Captain America hurled his shield, smashing the flying debris. As Tony's visor slid into place, Iron Man and the creature continued their face-off.
The creature smiled. “Do you think that is it?” it hissed. “We are great in number, human! Even as I speak, we near the completion of a new Cosmic Bridge Generator, large enough to bring all of my kind to this pitiful speck of a planet. We will destroy anything in our way!”