A: Hi! What's your name?
B: My name is B Curtis Gildard. Well, my name is B but people call me Nate, so.
A: OK. What do you do in your free time?
B: I do a lot of different things. I like to travel around, I like to go to places I've never been. I like to play guitar in a band, which I'm not in right now. I like to play soccer. I play soccer a lot, and I play futsal too.
A: Futsal, what's that?
B: Futsal is a 5 a side soccer game, so it's played on a small court about the size of a basketball court, and the ball is smaller than a soccer ball, it's kind of heavy, and you have five people so there are 4 players and one keeper, goalie.
A: Oh, interesting. Is it similar to soccer in other ways?
B: Well, it's similar in ways that you pass the ball but it's different in ways that for example you have a stop clock in the international futsal games, and professional games, so there's a stop clock. The way you move around is very different, you know, you have positions like midfield, forward, defense, but often a defender can find themselves playing forward which is kind of fun because defenders get a chance to score too.
A: OK, here is the last question, which do you prefer, soccer or the big football or futsal?
B: Ah, that's a difficult question. I think at the moment I enjoy futsal a little bit more because it is a harder pace. You're running a lot faster. There's more chances to score. It's a really challenging game. It takes a lot of energy, and the five guys that you play with, there's only five people so you really depend on each other to do well so it's a real team sport. You really need each other.
A: Thank you.