Snoring can be pretty disturbing to people who sleep in the company of snorers, as well as to thesnorer himself or herself, though she may not realize it. For instance, some snorers have a condition called obstructive sleep apnea. Their airways become obstructed various times while they’re sleeping, and each time this happens the snorerbriefly stops breathing.
What’s more, obstructive sleep apnea has been shown to affect the cognitive abilities and behavior of children with the condition. They demonstrate difficulties with language and attentiveness, and they score lower on overall tests of intelligence.
Until now it has not been known whether children who snore, but do not have obstructive sleepapnea, are at risk, too, for these cognitive and behavioral problems. However, recent research shows that many children without this particular condition, but who nonetheless snore, do test significantly lower than do non-snorers in these same areas of cognition and behavior. Which children who snore are at risk and which are not is not clear yet and will require further research.
In the meantime, if your child snores frequently and he or she seems to experience learning and/or behavioral problems, you might consult a sleep specialist to find out whether or not your child has obstructive sleep apnea. There are various causes of frequent snoring and obstructivesleep apnea, but the most common causes are enlarged tonsils and an enlarged adenoids. In these cases the removal of the tonsils or adenoids can be an effective treatment.
如果你的孩子經常打鼾,同時成績不佳,有行為問題,最好咨詢睡眠專家診斷是否患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停綜合癥。造成經常打鼾和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停綜合癥的原因很多。而普遍因素是扁桃體和腺樣體腫大,扁桃體切除和 (或 )腺樣體刮除是治療的有效方法。