六級作文一:I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
審題和破題:核心詞匯curious。因此,這篇作文的中心思想是Curiosity is of vital importance(好奇心至關重要)。
六級作文二:Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
審題和破題:practice,據此,這篇作文的中心思想是Practice is the key to knowledge(獲取知識的秘訣是不斷努力)。
六級作文三:If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
審題和破題:核心內容為do small things in a great way,核心詞匯為great。然而,由于great(偉大的)是個非常寬泛的詞匯,所以,這篇作文在確立中心思想上要難于以上兩篇。破題時,可將 great具體化為creative(有創(chuàng)造力的),responsible (有責任心的), economical(節(jié)約的)等等,這樣這篇作文的中心思想就可確立為It is of vital importance to do small things in a creative way, 或者It is of vital importance to do small things in a responsible way, 抑或It is of vital importance to do small things in an economical way.