1. [詞根辨異] cad的異體cid1(=to fall or befall)與cid2(=to cut)同形,請判斷下列單詞的詞根是哪一個。
accident decidable decidable excide coincide
deciduous microbicide occident homicide
2. [詞海垂釣]從詞典中“釣”出一串同根詞吧。
3. [詞義判斷]-cide作為后輟,可以與許多外來語詞根或詞干結合。試判斷下列單詞的詞義或詞根的含義。
tyrannicide matricide fratricide insecticide
vermicide parasiticide fungicide
4. [望文生義]根據(jù)已學詞綴和詞根的知識推測下列單詞的含義。
① undecided a.
② indecision n.
③ indecisive a.
5. [尋根問底]指出下列單詞的詞根并領會其詞義的由來。
① incisor n.切牙;門牙
② precisian n.嚴守規(guī)則者;清教徒
16. claim, clam [L]=to call out喊
claim和clam都源于拉丁動詞clamare,意為to call out或to shout(喊叫)。claim是不定式詞干在英語中的重讀形式,用來構成動詞;clam是動名詞詞干,只出現(xiàn)于相應的名詞和形容詞中。
claim [claim=to call out呼喊→“to speak loudly for one's own interest為自己的利益而呼喊”→] v. demand as one's due or property要求;索?。篧e have claimed compensation for the losses from the foreign company.我們已向外國公司提出索賠要求。
▽claimer [claim;-er n.] n.根據(jù)權利提出要求者
claimable [claim;-able a.] a.可要求的;可認領的
disclaim [dis-=to undo做相反之事;claim v. 要求,索取→“to undo that of claiming做與要求或索取相反的事”→] v. deny;disavow否認;抵賴:He disclaimed his responsibility for the accident.他否認自己對事故負有責任。
▽disclaimer [disclaim;-er n.] n.否認者
declaim [de-=completely完全地;claim=to call out叫喊→“to call out or speak loudly喊話;大聲說話”→] v. give a formal speech演講:The candidates declaimed against the government. 競選人發(fā)表演說責難政府。
▽declaimer [declaim;-er n.] n.演講者;朗誦者
declamation [declaim的對應名詞:declam=to declaim演講;-ation n.=the act表行為→] n.① the act or art of declaiming演講;雄辯術②formal speech正式演說:to deliver a long declamation發(fā)表長篇演說
declamatory [declaim的對應形容詞:declam=to declaim演說;-atory a.=characterized by有……特點的→] a.① characterized by declaiming演說的②bombastic夸夸其談的:long and declamatory speech夸夸其談的長篇大論
exclaim [ex-=out出;claim=to call or shout喊→“to call or shout out喊出來”→] v. cry out suddenly from pain, anger, surprise, etc.驚叫;驚嘆:“Help! Help!”she exclaimed.她大聲驚叫:“快來人呀!救命呀!”
▽exclamation [ex-;clam;-ation n.] n.呼喊;驚嘆
proclaim [pro-=forward向前;claim=to cry out呼喊→“to call or speak forward(before the public)向前面的公眾講話”→] v. make known before the public;declare or announce officially宣布;公告:to proclaim a new law公布一項新法令
▽proclamation [pro-;clam;-ation n.] n.宣布;公告
reclaim [re-=back回;claim=to call呼喚→“to call back (from vice, error, savagery or waste condition) (從罪惡、錯誤或荒廢狀態(tài))召喚回來”→] v. ① reform;civilize改造;感化:We reclaimed him from vice.我們使他改惡從善。② bring under cultivation墾荒:to reclaim fields from wasteland開荒造田
▽reclaimable [reclaim;-able a.] a.可改造的;可開墾的
reclaimant [reclaim;-ant n.] n.開墾者;糾正者
reclamation [re-;clam;-ation n.] n.開墾;感化
acclaim [ac-(ad-)=to對;claim=to call out呼喊→“to call out cheerfully to somebody高興地向某人呼喊”→] v. hail or praise publicly歡呼;稱贊:His play was acclaimed as a masterpiece.他的劇本被贊許為杰作。
▽acclamation [ac-;clam;-ation n.] n.歡呼;稱贊
clamour [clam=to shout叫喊;-our n.=the state表狀態(tài)→“the state of shouting叫喊的狀態(tài)”→] n.① shout or outcry for demand, appeal, etc.叫喊;呼聲:A clamour of protest went up from the masses.群眾發(fā)出了抗議的呼聲。②noise made by shouting吵鬧聲,喧嚷:The clamour of the traffic gave me a headache.車馬喧鬧,叫人頭痛。