1. [舉一反三]根據(jù)已知單詞的詞義推斷出其同根詞的詞義。
colloquial會話的→① colloquy n.
→② colloquialist n.
→③ colloquist n.
2. [同義相連]右邊的單詞是左邊某個單詞的同義詞。請指出同義關(guān)系,并填出詞義。( )提示:soli=alone;multi=many;grandi=great. ( )
① monologue a. soliloquy( )
② interlocutor b. collocutor( )
③ magniloquent c. multiloquent( )
④ loquacious d. grandiloquent( )
3. [詞義判斷]試判斷obloquy是下列三個單詞中哪一個詞的反義詞:
① apology歉語 ?、?pseudology謊話 ?、?eulogy頌詞
4. [尋根問底]指出下列單詞的詞根并領(lǐng)會其詞義的由來。
① allocution n.訓諭
② soliloquist n.自言自語者(提示:soli=alone)
③ somniloquist n.夢囈者(提示:somni=sleep)
④ prolocutor n.代言人;發(fā)言人
⑤ ventriloquist n.口技表演者(提示:ventri=belly)
54. lud, lus [L]=to play or mock玩,戲弄
在常用詞delude(欺騙)和illusion(錯覺)中可以看到一對異形根lud和lus,它們分別來自拉丁動詞ludere及其過去分詞lusum,其基本意思是to play or mock,即“玩,戲弄”。
delude [de-=down下;lud=to play戲弄;-e→“to play down在下面戲弄,貶低”→] v. mislead the mind of, or deceive 哄騙;欺騙:She deluded herself into thinking she had lost weight.她自我欺騙,幻想減肥成功了。
▽delusion [delus (e);-ion n.] n.欺騙;迷惑
illusion [il-(in-)=in在……內(nèi);lus=to play戲弄;-ion n.=the state表狀態(tài)→“the state of playing in heart在心中戲弄的狀態(tài)→”] n. the state of being fooled;false belief錯覺;幻覺:I was under illusion you really cared for me.我錯以為你真的很在乎我。
▽illusionism [illusion;-ism n.] n.引起錯覺的藝術(shù)手法
illusional [illusion;-al a.] a.錯覺的,幻覺的
prelude [pre-=beforehand事先;lud=to play演奏;-e→“to play before-hand 事先演奏”→]Ⅰv. play a short music to introduce another奏序曲→Ⅱn.① short music before a large one序曲:Chopin's preludes肖邦的序曲集② event before an more important one 預兆,先導:The bombing was just a prelude to the full-scale attack.轟炸只是全面進攻的前兆。
▽preludial [prelud (e);-ial a.] a.序曲(式)的
preludize [prelud (e);-ize v.] v.作序曲;奏序曲
elude [e-(ex-)=out在……外;lud=to play玩耍;-e→“to play out of the rule在規(guī)則之外玩”→] v. avoid capture by, or escape from逃避,躲避:The thief eluded the police.小偷躲過了警方的搜捕。
▽elusion [e-;lus;-ion n.] n.逃避,躲避
ludicrous [lud=to play or mode戲弄;-icrous (-ous)=having the quality表性質(zhì)→“having the quality of playing or mocking有戲弄性質(zhì)的”→] a. causing laughters, or ridiculous滑稽有趣的,荒唐可笑的:His efforts resulted in a ludicrous failure.他的努力以可笑的失敗告終。
collude [col-(com-)=together共;lud=to play耍弄;-e→“to play together共同玩弄”→] v. work together secretly for fraud or illegal act共謀,勾結(jié):The union leaders colluded with the management.工會頭頭跟管理層串通一氣。
▽collusion [col-;lus;-ion n.] n.共謀,勾結(jié)
collusive [col;lus;-ive a.] a.共謀的,欺詐的
postlude [post-=after在……之后;lud=to play演奏;-e→“music that plays after others在其他曲子之后演奏的曲子”→] n. concluding music, esp. in church(教堂禮拜后的)尾曲:They hurried away before the postlude.尾曲還沒有演奏,他們就匆匆離開教堂了。