With a long history, tea culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Generations of growers and producers have perfected the Chinese way of manufacturing tea. Tea has an extremely close relationship with Chinese culture. The study of tea covers a wide field and has a very rich content. Chinese tea can be classified into five categories. Each kind is different from others in flavor and appearance. Green tea is the best option for office workers since it can help prevent computer radiation and supplement moisture content of the human body.
茶文化是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的重要組成部分,有著悠久的歷史。一代代的種植者和生產者使中國制茶工藝變得日臻完善。茶和中國文化有著極其緊密的聯系。茶研究涉及的范圍很廣,有著豐富的內容。中國茶可以分為五類。每一種都有不同于其他種類的味道和外觀。綠茶是辦公室職員的最佳選擇,它有助于防止電腦輻射(computer radiation),補充人體水分(moisture content)。