Trevor Lahey, AKA Greaseball1987, is one Certified Caulk Installer with a wicked sense of humor. His parody Instagram account, which gives little other information save for his hourly rate ($17.40/hour non-negotiable, if you must know), is a collection of hilariously bad construction and DIY jobs over which he writes deadpan captions.
Trevor Lahey,又名Greaseball1987,是一個認證的縫縫安裝與邪惡的幽默感。除了每小時17.40美元(如果你一定要知道,這是沒有商量余地的)的工資外,他的Instagram賬戶上幾乎沒有其他信息。他的賬戶里有一堆糟糕透頂的建筑和DIY工作,他在上面寫著面無表情的說明文字。
Assuming the role of the worker, Trevor proudly presents his 'projects' with tongue-in-cheek hints and tips, whilst lavishing praise on his own creative ingenuity. The posts are rounded off with your stereotypical 'inspo' hashtags, with #keepcraftalive, #problemsolver and #themoreyouknow being particular favorites.
以工人的身份,特雷弗自豪地展示他的“項目”,半開玩笑的暗示和提示,同時對自己的創(chuàng)造力大加贊賞。這些貼子都帶有你老套的“靈感”標簽,其中#keepcraftalive, #problem - solver和#themoreyouknow是你的最愛。
What do you think? Do you have any DIY disaster stories to share? Do you know any 'experts' like Trev here that might not be as skilled as they think they are? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
More info: Instagram |Website