Photos posted on social media by the St Ambrose Church show the Reverend Timothy Pelc shooting water into a car window as it stopped by the steps of the church. He wore a mask, face shield and rubber gloves as further precautions against spreading the coronavirus.
The photos of the priest at the church in Grosse Pointe Park were taken at Easter but have recently gone viral and have inspired memes online. One shows the 70-year-old priest amid the fires of hell directing the squirt gun at devil-like figures.
這個教堂位于Grosse Pointe Park,牧師的照片是在復活節(jié)拍的,最近走紅了,網(wǎng)上還出現(xiàn)了模因,其中有一個展示的是這位70歲的牧師站在地獄之火中,把水槍對準魔鬼一樣的人。
Pelc told BuzzFeed News that he was a little concerned about how the Vatican might react when the photos of him squirting holy water began circulating widely on the internet. But, he said, “I haven’t heard anything yet.”
佩爾克對《BuzzFeed News》說,他擔心自己噴圣水的照片一旦在網(wǎng)上傳播開來,梵蒂岡會有什么反應(yīng)。但他說:“我還沒有聽到什么消息。”
The idea was to find a way to continue a tradition of blessing Easter baskets despite the pandemic. One photo shows Pelc standing behind a car with its hatchback door up, shooting water at a basket of flowers. He said he has a “pretty wacky mind and pretty accepting congregation”.
The church and surrounding communities have taken the pandemic seriously, Pelc said. Parishioners have tied blue ribbons on trees at the church for each person who has died of Covid-19 in Michigan. That number is now approaching 5,000.