Do you know your pets so well you could create a comic from their point of view? Sarah does. The 25-year-old from Texas has two birds: a sweet but birdbrained cockatiel, Chicken, and a tiny but bossy parrotlet, Blue Boy, and she dedicated an entire comic series to them.
Most of the strips were inspired by real-life pet behaviors, and are often thought up when Sarah's birds do something funny. "One thing that makes the series special is I draw comics about some of my readers' birds too, and have them on as guest stars! People will tell me a little bit about their birds and I come up with comics about them, drawn in my style."
Sarah makes comics because she is a big fan of comedy and memes, and you can certainly get that from her works. They're lighthearted and self-aware. However, the comics aren't shallow at all. On the contrary; they perfectly capture all the nuances of living with companion parrots and their behavior.
Image credits: chickynugs
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