先有氧運動還是先力量重要嗎?簡單的回答是,這取決于你的目標??茖W表明,如果你鍛煉是為了身體健康勻稱,那么在上跑步機之前,你需要一定的力量訓練(《力量與調節(jié)研究雜志》)。力量訓練有很多好處,包括減脂、強健骨骼,甚至預防疾病,眾多好處使之成為健康的明智之選(Verywell Fit)。而如果在力量訓練前進行有氧運動,你的肌肉可能過于疲勞,無法完成訓練(《每日燃燒》)。
According to Women's Health, if your main goal involves gaining strength or losing weight, weight training before cardio is the way to go. Cardio, post strength training, will burn more fat in the first 15 minutes as opposed to starting with cardio and then lifting. And let's face it, everyone can appreciate a shorter cardio sesh.
What happens when you choose cardio before weights?
While any exercise is good exercise, experts agree when there is a specific goal in mind, it's better to have a plan. If you're intent on enhancing your endurance and improving cardiovascular health, you'll want to start your fitness routine with cardio (via Women's Health). Sports medicine physician Sarah Merrill explains, "doing a heavy weight day before doing cardio may fatigue the muscles, causing you to lose proper form while you are doing cardio and increase the risk of injury." Furthermore, certified personal trainer Jennifer Purdie recommends doing strength training and cardio on different days when training for an event that requires substantial cardio, such as a marathon (via The Healthy).
雖然任何鍛煉都是很好的鍛煉,但專家們一致認為,當心中有一個特定的目標時,最好有一個計劃。如果你想提高耐力和改善心血管健康,你會想通過有氧運動(婦女健康)開始你的健身計劃。運動醫(yī)學內科醫(yī)生莎拉·梅里爾解釋說:“在做有氧運動前一天進行一次超重運動可能會使肌肉疲勞,導致你在做有氧運動時失去正常的運動形式,并增加受傷的風險。”此外,認證私人教練Jennifer Purdie建議,在訓練需要大量有氧運動的項目時,比如馬拉松,應該在不同的日子進行力量訓練和有氧運動。
Doctor Eric Sternlicht tells Shape that workouts should be adjusted according to personal goals and the All About Fitness Podcast host, Pete McCall, agrees. According to Shape, a combination of cardio and strength training is best for overall fitness and while the Mayo Clinic states that research has not yet shown one way is better than another, the bottom line is — any fitness plan is a good one.