前面曾提到的根特先生,提到了他所掌握的當眾演講的技巧帶給他莫大的樂趣,這正是我認為他之所以能取得成功的原因(我認為這一因素遠比其他因素更重要)。他的確是遵循著指導,毫不松懈地完成了所交代的任務。但是,我相信他之所以如此投入完全是出于自我需要,是出于希望成為成功的演講家的愿望。他將自己投入未來的形象中,然后努力使夢想成真。這就是你最應該做的。When Mr. Ghent ·spoke of the pleasure his newly acquired skill in public speaking gave him, he touched upon what I believe (more than any other one factor) contributed to his success. It's true he followed the directions and faithfully did the assignments. But I'm sure he did these things because he wanted to do them, and he wanted to do them because he saw himself as a successful speaker. He projected himself into the future and then worked toward bringing that projection into reality. That is exactly what you must do.
集中全部注意力,時刻不忘自信與侃侃而談的演講能力對你有多么重要;想想由此而結交的朋友在社交上對你的重要性;想想自己為大眾、社會服務的能力將會大增;想一想它對你的人生和事業(yè)所帶來的積極影響……一言以蔽之,它將為你增添某種領袖氣質。Concentrate your attention on what self-confidence and the ability to talk more effectively will mean to you. Think of what it may mean to you socially, of the friends it will bring, of your increased capacity to be of service in your civic, social or church group, of the influence you will be able to exert in your business. In short, it will prepare you for leadership.
美國的國家現金注冊公司理事會會長、聯合國教科文組織主席S.C.艾林在《演講季刊》中寫了一篇題為《演講與領導在事業(yè)上的關系》的文章。文章中說:“在歷史上,干我們商業(yè)這行的不少人是借著講壇上的杰出表現而承蒙器重的。許多年前,有位青年,當時是堪薩斯州一處小分行的主管,在作了兩場精彩無比的講演之后,今天已是我們的副總裁,管理業(yè)務的拓展?!倍覄偤眠€知道,這位副總裁正是當今的國家現金注冊公司總裁。In an article entitled "Speech and Leadership in Business," S.C.Allyn, Chairman of the Board of the National Cash Register Company and Chairman of UNESCO, wrote in the Quarterly Journal of Speech, "In the history of our business, many a man has drawn attention to himself by a good job done on the platform. A good many years ago a young man, who was then in charge of a small branch in Kansas, gave a rather unusual talk, and is today our vice-president in charge of sales." I happen to know that this vice-president is now the president of the National Cash Register Company.
能從容不迫地站起來面對聽眾侃侃而談,會使你的前途變得不可估量。在我的訓練班里,有一位名叫亨利·柏萊斯通的學員,是美國舍弗公司的總裁,他曾說過這樣的一句話:“和人們進行有效的交談,并贏得他們的合作,是每一個正在努力追求上進的人所必須具備的一種能力?!盩here is no predicting how far the ability to speak on your feet will take you. One of our graduates, Henry Blackstone, President of the Servo Corporation of America, says," The ability to communicate effectively with others and win their co-operation is an asset we look for in men moving to the top."
想一想當你充滿了自信,站起來與聽眾共同分享自己的思想和感覺時,是多么有滿足感和舒暢啊。我曾多次環(huán)球旅行,但是用語言的力量影響全場聽眾的那種快悅感,卻是其他事物難以比擬的。它能給你帶來一種力量感、一種強勁感。一位畢業(yè)生曾這樣說:“發(fā)表演講的最初兩分鐘即使挨鞭子也無法開口;但到臨結束的前兩分鐘,我寧可吃槍子兒也不愿停下來?!盩hink of the satisfaction and pleasure that will be yours when you stand up and confidently share your thoughts and feelings with your audience. I have traveled around the world several times, but I know of few things that give greater delight than holding an audience by the power of the spoken word. You get a sense of strength, a feeling of power. "Two minutes before I begin," said one of my graduates, "I would rather be whipped than start; but two minutes before I finish, I would rather be shot than stop."
現在就閉上眼睛想象一下:面對著可能的聽眾,充滿自信地邁步走上講臺,聽聽你開場后全場的鴉雀無聲,感覺一下在你深入淺出、一語中的時聽眾的全神貫注,感受你離開講臺時掌聲的溫馨,傾聽臺下聽眾對你的贊賞。相信我,這其中有奇跡存在,也有讓人無法忘懷的興奮感受。Begin now to picture yourself before an audience you might be called upon to address. See yourself stepping forward with confidence, listen to the hush fall upon the room as you begin, feel the attentive absorption of the audience as you drive home point after point, feel the warmth of the applause as you leave the platform, and hear the words of appreciation with which individual members of the audience greet you when the meeting is over. Believe me, there is a magic in it and a never-to-be-forgotten thrill.
哈佛大學最杰出的心理學教授威廉·詹姆斯曾寫下六句話,對你的一生可能會產生深遠的影響。這六句話就像是大盜阿里巴巴開密穴的開門口訣:“不論什么課程,只要你對它滿懷熱忱,就可以順利完成。如果你對結果足夠關注,你就一定會得到這一結果。只要你想做好,你就能做好。假如你企盼致富,你便會擁有財富。若是你想博學,你就會學富五車。但只有你真正地企盼這些事情,心無旁騖地一心盼望,而不是枉費心思地胡思亂想許多不相干的雜事才可以實現?!盬illiam James, Harvard's most distinguished professor of psychology, wrote six sentences that could have a profound effect on your life, six sentences that are the open sesame to Ali Baba's treasure cave of courage," In almost any subject, your passion for the subject will save you. If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it. If you wish to be good, you will be good. If you wish to be rich, you will be rich. If you wish to be learned, you will be learned. Only then you must really wish these things and wish them with exclusiveness and not wish one hundred other incompatible things just as strongly."
學習有效面對人群講話,好處不僅僅是可以作正式的公開講演。事實上,就算你一輩子都不需要正式公開演講,但接受這種訓練的好處仍然是多方面的。舉個例子:當眾演講的訓練,是幫助你培養(yǎng)自信的方法。因為你一旦發(fā)現自己能夠站起來,口齒伶俐、頭頭是道地對著人群說話,那么在你和別人進行個別交談時,必定會更有信心和勇氣。很多人來上我的“成功演講”課程,大多是因為在社交場合之中感到害羞而拘束。當他們發(fā)現,自己站著和同事講話天也不至于會塌下來,便會發(fā)覺當初的拘束是多么的可笑。他們在訓練過程中培養(yǎng)出的自然灑脫的氣度,令家人、朋友、事業(yè)伙伴和顧客刮目相看。許多訓練班的學生,都是因為看見周圍的人通過訓練,個性發(fā)生了巨大的改變,才被吸引著來上課的。比如顧立區(qū)先生就是這樣的。Learning to speak effectively to groups brings other benefits than merely the ability to make formal public speeches. As a matter of fact, if you never give a formal public speech in your life, the benefits to be derived from this training are manifold. For one thing, public speaking training is the royal road to self-confidence. Once you realize that you can stand up and talk intelligently to a group of people, it is logical to assume that you can talk to individuate with greater confidence and assurance. Many men and women have taken my course in Effective Speaking primarily because they were shy and self-conscious in social groups. When they found they were capable of speaking on their feet to their fellow class members without having the roof fall in, they became aware of the ridiculousness of self-consciousness. They began to impress others, their families, friends, business associates, customers, and clients, with their newly found poise. Many of our graduates, like Mr. Goodrich, were impelled to take the course by the remarkable change in the personalities of those around them.
這種類型的訓練,也會在各個方面影響到個性,不過這些影響不是馬上就能顯現出來的。不久前,我曾問大西洋城的外科醫(yī)師兼美國醫(yī)藥學會的前會長大衛(wèi)·奧門博士,就心理和生理健康的觀點而言,當眾演講訓練的好處是什么?他微微笑了笑說:“回答這個問題,最好是開個處方,這個處方是在藥房里抓不到藥的,每個人得自己配藥;他要是以為自己不行,他就錯了?!盩his type of training also affects the personality in ways that are not immediately apparent. Not long ago I asked Dr. David Allman, the Atlantic City surgeon and former president of the American Medical Association, what in his opinion were the benefits of public speaking training in terms of mental and physical health. He smiled and said he could best answer that question by writing a prescription that" no drugstore can fill. It must be filled by the individual; if he thinks he can't, he is wrong."
我桌上就放著這份處方,每讀一次,都覺得若有所獲。以下便是奧門博士揮筆為我寫下的處方:I have the prescription on my desk. Every time I read it, I am impressed. Here it is, just as Dr. Allman jotted it down:
“盡力去培養(yǎng)一種能力,讓別人能夠走進你的腦海和心靈。試著面對單獨的人或者在大眾面前清晰地傳達自己的思想和理念。在你通過這樣的努力而不斷進步時,你便會發(fā)覺:你——真正的自我——正在塑造一種嶄新的形象,使周遭的人們產生前所未有的驚異。”Try your best to develop an ability to let others look into your head and heart. Learn to make your thoughts, your ideas, clear to others, individually, in groups, in public. You will find, as you improve in your effort to do this, that you-your real self-are making an impression, an impact, on people such as you never made before.
從這份處方中,你會獲得雙倍的好處。你試著開始對別人講話時,你的自信心也會隨之增強,而你的性格會變得越來越溫和美好。這意味著你的情緒已漸入佳境。情緒既然漸入佳境,身體當然也就會跟著好起來。在我們現在這個世界上,不論男女老少,都需要當眾講話。我不清楚它在工業(yè)或商業(yè)中究竟會給人帶來什么利益,但我聽說它裨益無窮。但我確實了解它給健康帶來的益處。只要有機會,便對幾個人或許多人說說話——你會越說越好,我自己就是這樣;同時你會感到神清氣爽,感到自己完整無缺,這是你從前感受不到的。You can reap a double benefit from this prescription. Your self-confidence strengthens as you learn to speak to others, and your whole personality grows warmer and better. This means that you are better off emotionally, and if you are better off emotionally, you are better off physically. Public speaking in our modern world is for everybody, men and women, young and elderly. I do not know personally about its advantages to one in business or industry. I only hear that they are great. But I do know its advantages in health. Speak when you can, to a few or to many; you will do it better and better, as I have found out myself; and you will feel a buoyancy of spirit, a sense of being a whole, rounded person, such as you never felt before.
這是一種暢快、美妙的感覺,沒有任何東西能給你這樣的感受。It is a wonderful sense to have, and no pill ever made can give it to you.
所以,第二個指引便是想象自己成功地做著目前自己所害怕做的事,想象你已經能夠當眾說話,并且被大家接納而獲得了很多的益處。牢記威廉·詹姆斯的話:“如果你對結果足夠關注,你就一定會得到這一結果?!盩he second guidepost, then, is to picture yourself as successfully doing what now you fear to do, and to concentrate on the benefits you will receive through your ability to talk acceptably before groups. Remember the words of William James," If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it."