一個夏天,我應邀和朋友一起在普羅旺斯的一座農舍里度過了幾天時間。我知道“普羅旺斯”這個詞能讓許多人產生無限遐想,然而它對于我而言并不意味著什么。我傾向于通過這樣一種感覺,即那個地方與我并不相投,來打消自己對這個詞的聯想。沒錯,在一些聰明人眼里,普羅旺斯美若仙境——“啊,普羅旺斯!”他們會懷著崇敬之情作如此感嘆,一如他們正在觀看歌劇或是欣賞代爾夫特 [1] 陶藝品。
One summer, I was invited to spend a few days with friends in a farmhouse in Provence. I knew that the word 'Provence' was for many people rich in associations, though it meant little to me. I tended to switch off at its mention out of a sense, founded on little, that the place would not be congenial to me. What I did know was that Provence was generally held by sensible people to be very beautiful- 'Ah, Provence!' they would sigh, with a reverence otherwise reserved for opera or Delft earthenware.
I flew to Marseilles and, after renting a small Renault at the airport, headed for the home of my hosts, which lay at the foot of the Alpilles hills, between the towns of Arles and Saint-Rémy. At the exit out of Marseilles, I grew confused and ended up at the giant oil refinery at Fos-sur-Mer, whose tangle of pipes and cooling towers spoke of the complexity involved in the manufacture of a liquid that I was used to putting into my car with scant thought for its origins.
I found my way back to the N568, which led me inland across the wheat-growing plain of La Crau. Outside the village of St-Martin-de-Crau, a few miles from my destination, being too early, I pulled off the road and turned off the engine. I had come to a stop on the edge of an olive grove. It was quiet save for the sounds of cicadas hidden in the trees. Behind the grove were wheat fields bordered by a row of cypresses, over whose tops rose the irregular ridge of the Alpilles. The sky was a cloudless blue.
I scanned the view. I was not looking for anything in particular: not for predators, holiday homes or memories. My motive was simple and hedonistic: I was looking for beauty. 'Delight and enliven me' was my implicit challenge to the olive trees, cypresses and skies of Provence. It was a vast, loose agenda and my eyes were bewildered at their freedom. Without the motives that had marked the rest of the day-to seek out the car-rental desk, the exit out of Marseilles and so on-they careered from object to object, so that if their path had been traced by the mark of a giant pencil, the sky would soon have been darkened by random impatient patterns.
Though the landscape was not ugly, I could not-after a few moments of scrutiny-detect the charm so often ascribed to it. The olive trees looked stunted, more like bushes than trees, and the wheat fields evoked the flat, dull expanses of south-eastern England, where I had attended a school and been unhappy. I lacked the energy to register the barns, the limestone of the hills or the poppies growing at the feet of a group of cypresses.
Bored and uncomfortable in the Renault's increasingly hot plastic interior, I set off for my destination and greeted my hosts with the remark that this was simply paradise.
Because we find places to be beautiful as immediately and as apparently spontaneously as we find snow to be cold or sugar sweet, it is hard to imagine that there is anything we might do to alter or expand our attractions. It seems that matters have been decided for us by qualities inherent in the places themselves or by hard-wiring in our psyches and that we would therefore be as helpless to modify our sense of the places we find beautiful as we would our preference for the ice-creams we find appetizing.
Yet aesthetic tastes may be less rigid than the analogy suggests. We overlook certain places because nothing has ever prompted us to conceive of them as worthy of appreciation, or because some unfortunate but stray association has turned us against them. Our relationship to olive trees can be improved by being directed towards the silver in their leaves or the structure of their branches. New associations can be created around wheat once we are directed to the pathos of this fragile and yet essential crop as its stalks bend their grain-filled heads in the wind. We may find something to appreciate in the skies of Provence once we are told, even if only in the crudest way, that it is the shade of blue that counts.
And perhaps the most effective way in which our sense of what to look for in a scene can be enriched is through visual art. We could conceive of many works of art as immensely subtle instruments for telling us what amounts in effect to: 'Look at the sky of Provence, redraw your notion of wheat, do justice to olive trees.' From amidst the million things in, for example, a wheat field, a successful work will draw out the features capable of exciting a sense of beauty and interest in the spectator. It will foreground elements ordinarily lost in the mass of data, it will stabilize them and, once we are acquainted with them, prompt us imperceptibly to find them in the world about us-or, if we have already found them, lend us confidence to give them weight in our lives. We will be like a person around whom a word has been mentioned on many occasions, but who only begins to hear it once he has learnt its meaning.
And in so far as we travel in search of beauty, works of art may in small ways start to influence where we would like to travel to.