8. 提出請求Request
Please return the entire order to us./請將整單訂貨退給我們。
Can you deliver them tomorrow?/你們可以明天送貨嗎?
Can you give me a hand with this report?/您能幫助我做這份報告 嗎?
Will you offer any more of a discount?/您能再給一些折扣嗎?
Will you send me this year's price list by e-mail?/您能把今年的價目 表用電子郵件發(fā)給我嗎?
Would you mind scanning in the forms for me?/您是否介意將表格掃 描給我?
I wonder if you would forward this letter to Mr.Robert?/能把這封信轉 給羅伯特先生嗎?
I was wondering if you could give me a run over of the final numbers?/ 我想知道您能否幫我把最終數據檢查一遍?
Please make payment in full by July 5./請在7月5日前付清您的貨款。