head rush 因為起得太急而眩暈
Hey, Baijie? Where are you? 白潔,你在哪兒呢?
(sits up quickly) I'm right here! Whoa... I sat up too quickly. I just got really bad head rush.
headache 頭疼
Oh, sorry about that. Hey, now that you are up.
Do you know where the aspirin is? I have a really bad headache.
head is throbbing 頭抽動著疼
I think we're out. I took the last two before I laid down for a nap. 我覺得我們沒了,剛才我睡覺之前把最后兩片吃了。
Oh no! That stinks! My head is throbbing right now.
I guess I'll go out and get some really quick.