真相是這樣的Here’s the truth.
我愛你I love you.
你再說一次?I beg your pardon?
什么?好吧,你剛才說...? 這可真有點奇怪了What? All right... What’re you...? That’s just a little weird.
要吧,你知道么? 我不能再隱瞞了OK, you know what? I can’t do this anymore.
大家,我有話要說Everybody, I have something to tell you.
我不是賽巴斯蒂安. I’m not Sebastian.
我是維奧拉. I’m Viola.
等一下,你不是維奧拉. Wait. You’re not Viola.
- 是的,我是- 不,我認識維奧拉. - Yes, I am. - No, I know Viola.
- 我,我親過維奧拉. - 你親的是我- I... I kissed Viola. - You kissed me.
你在說什么? 我沒親過你What are you talking about? I didn’t kiss you.
康沃爾的女子隊被取消了The girls team at Cornwall got cut.
男子隊又不讓我參加The guys wouldn’t let me go out for their team.
所以我就一直假裝是我哥哥So I’ve been pretending to be my brother
上兩周他正好去了倫敦... while he was in London for the past two weeks...
...所以我可以參加比賽好打敗康沃爾. ...so I could make the team and beat Cornwall.
但是我哥哥提前回來了But my brother came home early.
你看到的是他親了奧莉維亞 也是他在踢上半場And that’s who you saw kissing Olivia and that’s who played the first half.
你戴著假發(fā)不能說明你就是個女孩Because you wear a wig doesn’t prove you’re a girl.
好吧OK, then.
仁慈的主啊Merciful Jesus.
- 維奧拉?!- 只是我的幻覺- Viola?! - Is it just me
還是這場比賽比平時要更露肉?or this soccer game have more nudity than most?
好了,現(xiàn)在大家都明白了?All right, so everybody understand?
- 是啊,我明白了- 好的- Yeah. I get it. - OK.
等一下,如果我親了你哥哥,他現(xiàn)在在哪里?Wait a minute. If I kissed your brother, where is he?
沒準在去中國的路上. 他看起來很悠閑... Probably halfway to China. He showed his willis and doodleberries...
- 到了- 嗨- Present. - Hi.
什么...?What the...?
這可嚇著我了OK, this is freaking me out.
女士們先生們,我雖然不愿意說 "我都告訴你們了“但是我只是... Ladies and gentlemen, I hate to say "I told you so," but I just...
明白么,杜克? 我沒出賣你See, Duke? I didn’t betray you.
對不起I’m sorry.
這并不是我想要的 我沒打算傷害你This isn’t how I wanted it to happen, and I didn’t want to hurt you.
我只是想要證明自己足夠棒But I just wanted to prove that I was good enough.
我要的只是一個機會All I’m asking for is a chance.
就好象教練在每次比賽前說的:It’s just like what coach says before every game:
"不要懼怕偉大"Be not afraid of greatness.
有些人生得偉大,有些人成就偉大Some are born great. Some achieve greatness.
有些人則被偉大所信任" And some have greatness thrust upon them."
我想今天我們成就偉大的機會就是讓你參加I think the best chance for us to be great here today is to have you play.
- 太好了!- 太好了!- Yeah! - All right!
是??! 是??! 不!Yeah! Yeah! No!
你必須被處罰You have to forfeit.
不可以!No playing!
聯(lián)盟里不可以有女孩,看這手冊There’s no girls in this league. Look in the manual.
聽著,你在伊利里亞. Listen, pal. You’re in Illyria.
什么手冊?What manual?
我們這里沒有性別歧視We don’t discriminate based on gender.
好吧All right.
這個會留淤青That’s gonna bruise.
好吧,你真的以為有個女孩在隊里你們可以贏?Fine. You really think you can beat us with a girl on your team?
這一定會很有意思This should be fun.
最后一句話由我來說,不是你,滾I get to say the last word, not you. Go.
好的,聽著... OK, team...
...去踢球!去搏殺!- 好的!...let’s go kick! Kill! - Yeah!
加油!加油!Come on! Come on!
好吧,聽眾們,這實在是無聊Well, folks, this is a real nail-biter.
下半時結尾仍然是平分It’s a tie score at the bottom of the second half.
加油!加油!打開!Come on, come on! Open up!
犯規(guī)? 這不算犯規(guī)! 他碰到球了!Foul? That’s not a foul! He got all ball!
這個罰球?qū)Q定勝局And the penalty kick will decide the game.
你要往哪里踢? 這里? 我知道你要踢到那里Where you gonna kick it? Right here? I know you’re gonna kick it there.
我是不是在你腦子里? 我是不是在你腦子里?Am I in your head? Am I in your head?
你看這球門? 在變小,而我在變大You see the goal? It’s getting smaller and I’m getting bigger.
來啊Come on.
集中精神,別象個女孩一樣Concentrate. Don’t kick like a girl.
男人更強. 你沒可能的Guys are better. It’s not gonna happen.
你輸定了! 這是我的地盤!You’re a loser! This is my house!