Several strategies have been used in the development of new drugs. Over the years all have had success but no single approach has been consistently successful.
Serendipity, luck and intuition.
This approach has been applied less frequently in recent years. The discovery of penicillin by Fleming was in this category.
Molecular roulette.
Random chemical synthesis of new structures and pharmacological screening. This approach is wasteful and depends on the availability of sensitive animal or in-vitro models of human disease, which often do not exist.
Minor structural changes in existing agents.
Occasionally this leads to compounds of greater efficacy and rarely to drugs with novel actions detected in pharmacological screening or clinical practice.
Programmed basic research with synthesis of specific chemical.
Intellectually this approach is the most satisfying. There have been spectacular results, e.g. levodopa and dopamine agonists in the treatment of Parkinsonism; beta-receptor blockers for angina; histamine (H2) antagonists in peptic ulcer disease; converting enzyme inhibitors in hypertension. However, this approach is expensive and there is no guarantee of success.
Clinical observation of drug action in practice.
This is the traditional means of drug assessment. New applications arise from measurement of drug action in man in disease states. The antihypertensive effects of thiazide diuretics and beta-blockers were not predicted from animal screening tests. They were only identified after the drugs were available and were being used in practice.