A: As a fresh graduate, what do you think is the most essential factor to establishingand maintaining a good relationship with your future boss?
A: 你現在剛剛畢業(yè),你認為和你未來的老板能夠建立并保持良好關系的最主要因素是什么?
I: All the supervisors have rich experience. So first of all I will obey the demands of thesupervisors. Secondly, I will ask their advice and maintain an open mind. Thirdly, when there arequestions, I will communicate in-depth with my supervisors to achieve a functional and propersolution.
I: 領導都是工作經驗很豐富的人。首先我要服從領導的工作安排。第二呢,要虛心求教。第三,萬一碰到疑問,我會及時跟領導深入溝通,找到一個合理的解決方案。
A: Good, then do you have any question about our company?
A: 好的,對于公司,你有什么問題嗎?
I: Could you tell me something about your training program?
I: 能否介紹一下你們的培訓制度?
A: In brief, we offer both in-house and off-site training to our AP or U.S. headquarters.We have a few daylong training sessions for topics like business writing skills and software training.These sessions are available to everyone who applies. We also have a variety of other programsbased on each work function. Our program is essentially a job-rotation program, and we believe itis more effective than traditional on-the-job training.
A: 簡單來說,我們既有在崗培訓,也有去亞太總部或美國總部專門培訓。我們采用整日課程來進行商務寫作和軟件操作一類的培訓。每個人都可以申請參加。我們還針對各個職能安排了多種多樣的課程。我們的課程主要是輪崗,我們相信這比傳統(tǒng)的在職培訓要有效的多。
I: It sounds attractive!
I: 聽上去真的很吸引人啊!
A: Lastly, what’s your main consideration in your current job hunt?
A: 最后,你選擇工作時主要考慮哪個方面?
I: Potential growth opportunity. If a potential job does offer me an opportunity to growand mature, I will find it very easy to devote my career to executing my responsibilities at thehighest level. I believe that your company will be a perfect place for me to grow and develop!
I: 潛在的發(fā)展機會。如果一個工作能夠讓我有發(fā)展和成熟的機會,我就會更容易地全身心投入去完成我的職責。我相信貴公司將是我成長和發(fā)展的良好平臺!
A: I also hope to have the chance to get to know you better in the future.
A: 好的,我也希望有機會更加詳細地了解你。
I: Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to the next interview.
I: 謝謝您的時間。我期待著下一次面試的通知。