1. Black: Leadership
Black can be seen as unapproachable, but if you wear it correctly, it can also communicate "glamour, sophistication, exclusivity". Black is a color that is taken seriously.
2. Blue: Team Player
Blue is one of the best colors to wear on a job interview because is exudestrust and confidence. Studies show that navy blue is the best color for a suit to wear to a job interview, because it inspires confidence. You are more likely to get the job when you wear navy blue to an interview than any other color.
3. Gray: Analytical
Wearing gray communicates independence or isolation. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, as long as you show that you're confident. Since gray is somewhat of a lonely color, this may say to others that you're very much an individual, who is self-sufficient and capable of thinking on your own.
4. White: Organized
Wearing white and beige is a safe bet, but you may be considered "dull and lacking in self confidence." Hiring managers think that white means you're "organized". Experts advise wearing white or beige for a job where everyone else wears loud colors.
5. Brown: Dependable
This earthy color means warmth, safety and dependability. Think of brands that use brown in their logo, such as UPS and the original M&Ms.
6. Red: Power
Red conveys passion and power and is the best color to wear when you're trying to persuade or impress someone. Red is also linked to courage, excitement, and energy.
7. Green, Yellow, Orange, and Purple: Creative
These colors communicate that you're fun and attract attention, but they don't necessarily elicit feelings of trust or commitment, which may not be the best message to send in a job interview. However, wearing these colors would work great for happy hour gatherings or in-house meetings.