One World
I have lived most of my life in the 20th century. You will live most of your lives in the 21st century. What does the future hold for your century?
45 years ago, an American political leader, Wendell Willkie, traveled around the world and then wrote a best-selling book entitled, “One World.” World War 2 followed. The world was brutally battered by that war but it survived. Today the choice is either one world or no world.
As I look ahead to the 21st century—to your century—I see one world. But the one world I see is not a world without differences between nations or peoples. Rather, it is one in which we all recognize that we have profound differences and that we must learn to live with our differences rather than dying over them.
I do not see a world without nuclear weapons. But I do see one where the awesome power of these weapons has made world war obsolete as an instrument of policy. For that reason, I do not believe there will be a Third World War.
I see a world where the honor of being called great is bestowed not on the world’s warriors but in the world’s peacemakers.
And I see one world, but not a world drab in its uniformity but one enriched by its diversity. I see an open world, a world of open cities, open skies, open minds and open hearts; a world where our enemies are not other peoples but the common enemies of all mankind: poverty, hunger, misery, and injustice wherever they may exist in the world.
And I see a world in which there will continue to be conflict but where competition between great peoples will build rather than destory---where it will be a force for peace and progress rather than a force for war.
Some will question my optimism. But of this one thing I am sure: without cooperation between the Chinese people and the American people, there is no chance that the 21st century in which you will live will be a century of peace and progress for all people.
This is what I hope for China. This is what I hope for the world. This is what I hope for you., the new generation of China, whose task is to help to build and to meet those goals.
Excerpt US Nixon speech