The regulation requires that car-hailing platforms, such as Didi Chuxing and Uber Technologies, review the qualifications of drivers and their cars to guarantee safe rides.
The platforms are responsible for checking whether drivers' private cars are in good condition and are insured, and they must report the results to local transportation bureaus.
這兩年,關于叫車軟件(car-hailing apps)到底該不該被合法化的問題一直都是熱議話題。叫車軟件除了提供常規(guī)的出租車叫車服務(taxi-hailing service)以外,還延伸出了專車(tailored taxi service)、順風車(ride sharing)、快車(fast ride)等不同級別的車輛定制服務,的確為公眾的出行提供了不少便利。
此次出臺的《暫行辦法》首次明確了這一類網(wǎng)絡約車的合法地位(legalizing online car-hailing services),同時對駕駛員準入條件有了嚴格規(guī)定:應有三年以上駕駛經(jīng)驗(with three or more years of driving experience),無交通肇事犯罪記錄(no record of traffic crimes)、無危險駕駛犯罪記錄、無吸毒記錄、無飲酒后駕駛記錄(no record of dangerous driving, drug abuse or drinking and driving)、無暴力犯罪記錄(no record of violent crimes)。
對于運營車輛也有明確的條件要求:7座及以下乘用車(passenger vehicles with 7 seats or less);安裝具有行駛記錄功能的車輛衛(wèi)星定位裝置、應急報警裝置(equipped with GPS and emergency alarm system);車輛技術性能符合運營安全相關標準要求(cars are in good condition and can guarantee safe rides)。
另外,《暫行辦法》建立了按里程報廢標準(mileage limit),規(guī)定網(wǎng)約車行駛里程達到60萬千米時強制報廢(the vehicle will be scrapped once it reaches the 600,000 km mileage limit)。行駛里程未達到60萬千米但使用年限達到8年時,退出網(wǎng)約車經(jīng)營(dismissed from the car-hailing service)。