President Xi Jinping greets Lang Ping, head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, at a meeting attended by the Chinese Olympic delegation and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. (Photo/Xinhua)
President Xi Jinping issued a rallying call on Thursday for the Olympic spirit to be practiced in helping to realize the "Chinese Dream" of national rejuvenation.
Meeting with the country’s athletes, who have returned from the Rio Olympics, he said the Chinese delegation’s performances at the Games had interpreted the Olympic spirit, inspiring national patriotic enthusiasm.
《奧林匹克憲章》(the Olympic Charter)指出,奧林匹克精神(the Olympic spirit)就是相互了解、友誼、團結和公平競爭的精神( mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play)。
在本屆里約奧運會上,中國代表團獲得了26枚金牌,在金牌榜(gold medal tally)上位列第三。習近平表示,在奧運會這樣高水平的競爭場合,爭第一、拿金牌獎牌很不容易,拿到金牌獎牌的,值得尊敬和表揚。同時,只要勇于戰(zhàn)勝自我、超越自我,即使沒有拿到金牌獎牌,同樣值得尊敬和表揚(Those athletes who did not win medals but performed personal bests should also be respected and recognized)。
對于12年后再度摘得奧運會冠軍的中國女排,習近平表示,中國女排不畏強手、英勇頑強,打出了風格、打出了水平,時隔12年再奪奧運金牌,充分展現了女排精神,全國人民都很振奮(The whole nation is excited at China's first volleyball gold in 12 years)。
習近平在會見時還表示,希望把籌辦北京冬奧會、冬殘奧會作為推動我國體育事業(yè)發(fā)展的重大機遇(take the preparation for and hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics as a great opportunity to advance our sports development),全力籌辦一屆“精彩、非凡、卓越”(fantastic, extraordinary and excellent)的冬奧會、冬殘奧會,加快我國冰雪運動普及發(fā)展。