Yolo is the abbreviation for: you only live once.
Yolo是You only live once(你只活一次)首字母的縮略詞。
“You only live once”的出處最早可追溯到19世紀,出自于法國作家巴爾扎克著作《邦斯舅舅》。YOLO有及時行樂的意思,目前該詞已經成為一個非常流行的網絡詞匯。據外媒報道稱,YOLO已被部分年輕人標榜為座右銘,一些好萊塢演員還刺了該縮寫的文身。
Similar to carpe diem or memento mori, it implies that one should enjoy life, even if that entails taking risks.
It has become a popular Twitter hashtag. Some youth have said that it is their motto, and actor Zac Efron has a tattoo with the acronym. The phrase and acronym are used in merchandise worn by teenagers such as hats and t-shirts.