Primary school students learn about school bullying cases in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, November 9, 2018. /VCG Photo
The education sectors in south China's Guangdong province rolled out new guidelines on Monday, specifically defining offensive nicknames and online violence as school bullying.
其中,給他人起侮辱性綽號(offensive nicknames)、在社交媒體發(fā)表貶低或侮辱他人人格言論(social media posts derogating others)等行為,屬于情節(jié)輕微的一般欺凌事件(slight bullying incidents)。
在社交媒體上傳被欺凌者受欺凌圖片(uploading pictures of bully victims to social media)、攜帶刀具等器械威脅或毆打被欺凌者(threatening with knives or beating bully victims)等屬于惡劣范疇的嚴重欺凌事件(serious bullying incidents)。
The guidelines, which apply to all elementary, secondary and vocational schools in Guangdong, also require all schools to create committees to investigate and determine if a complaint constitutes school bullying within 10 days.
《辦法》強調(diào),政府部門職責落實不到位、學生欺凌問題突出的地區(qū)和單位,由本級人民政府給予通報、約談、掛牌、督辦、實施一票否決權(quán)制等方式進行領導責任追究(leading officials will be held accountable)。
政府部門和學校相關工作人員在學生欺凌事件發(fā)生后的處置存在失職瀆職行為(dereliction of duty),因違紀違法應當承擔責任的,依法給予相關責任人黨紀政紀處分(disciplinary punishment);構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
監(jiān)護人不依法履行監(jiān)護職責(guardians who fail to fulfill duty of guardianship),將依法由其所在單位或村(居民)委會予以勸誡、制止;構(gòu)成違反治安管理條例行為的,由公安機關給予行政處罰(administrative punishment)。
An anti-bullying poster. /VCG Photo
School bullying refers to an incident that occurs between students on or off campus, when one side singly or repeatedly assaults, insults, or provocates the other side through bodily contact, verbal language or words on the Internet with a hostile intent, resulting in physical, mental or financial harm.