Todd: OK, Keren, we're talking about health. And, first of all, do you do anything to stay in shape? Like do you exercise or belong to a gym or anything?
Keren: At the moment, I don't belong to a gym but I go jogging. Usually I go jogging four times a week, and I always go in the morning because for me it's the best time to exercise because it keeps me awake all day, but at the moment I don't do any other exercise.
Todd: Wow, just the running.
Keren: Just the running.
Todd: Yeah, well, that's pretty good that you get up and go running in the morning, I have a hard time like running early in the morning.
Keren: Yeah, I think it's easy in the summer because it's really light and the weather's better but in the winter I find it really difficult and actually the last few weeks I've stopped jogging.
Todd: It's OK, I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm in the same boat... OK, so let's change the talk to diet.
Keren: OK.
Todd: Do you have a healthy diet?
Keren: Reasonably healthy. I'm semi-vegetarian so I don't eat meat. I only eat fish and I eat lots of fruit and vegetables, but I also like my junk food and usually once a day I eat either potato chips or cake, so yeah, I have a balanced diet.
Todd: And lastly, do you do anything else to stay healthy? Like for example, do you do yoga or do you meditate or do you get so many hours of sleep night?
Keren: It would be great if I could get eight hours sleep a night but I don't and I don't do yoga. I actually find walking very relaxing and usually when I'm at home in Britain I walk a lot.
Todd: OK, thanks a lot Keren.
Keren: That's OK.