Jennifer: Are you starting a Billy hotline? Why do you need two cell phone lines?
Billy: You could say it's like a is a business line and the other is private.
Jennifer: So you're going to become a gigolo?
Billy: No, but you know what they say: Don't mix business with pleasure...
Jennifer: Yeah. So one line is for the girls and the other is for everything else.
Billy: Right. The cool part is that all I did was buying this battery.
★private (adj.) 私人的
★gigolo (n.) 舞男,小白臉
★mix (v.)混合
比 利:你說它像條熱線也行……一條線是公事往來用,另一條線則作私人用。
比 利:不,但你知道那句話:公私分明……
比 利:沒錯。最酷的是我只需要去買這個電池就行了。
★private (adj.) 私人的
★gigolo (n.) 舞男,小白臉
★mix (v.)混合