Niagara Falls is one of the world's leading tourist attractions. Millions of people around the world visit here each year. Summers at the falls are specially busy with traffic jams and parking problems. However, the falls are beautiful in winter too. Many have asked why people travel so far to see water falling over a cliff.
The size and beauty of Niagara Falls help to make it special. While many falls are higher than Niagara, very few are as wide or have such a volume of water. It also helps that Niagara is relatively easy to travel to. When the first Europeans came to Niagara, the falls were surrounded by forest.
The noise of the falls could be heard miles away before they were actually seen. The first visitors were filled with horror at the site. Later, fear ceased to be the main emotion inspired by the falls. Later visitors were impressed by the beauty and grandeur of the falls, which overwhelmed them with wonder.