I was on a date from hell.
I agreed to go out with this guy who lives in the same apartment building as I do, but he’sturned out to be a real creep. He was nice enough at the start of the date, but then he starteddrinking. Now he’s drunk and I’m miserable.
I wanted to let him down gently since I’d be seeing him around the apartment building, but Ididn’t want to spend another minute with him.
Fatima: Listen, Rob, I just don’t think we’re hitting it off. You’re a really nice guy, but I justdon’t think we have much chemistry.
Rob: Are you kidding? I’m having the time of my life. We’re just getting started here.Bartender, another round!
I realized that I needed to be more straightforward with him in case I was giving him mixedsignals.
Fatima: I’m sorry, Rob, but I think this is the end of the road for this date. Thanks a lot forthe drinks and I’ll see you around.
Rob: What? You’re leaving? How about a goodnight kiss? Come over here and give me thatkiss.
I wanted to keep my cool, but when he tried to kiss me, that did it!
Fatima: You’re stinking drunk and this date is over. Capisce?
I got up and left. What is it about alcohol that turns Prince Charming into a frog?