People can't go circular on their own; the system has to change. But individual choices do matter. "It's about using less stuff in the first place," said Liz Goodwin of the World Resources Institute.
In 2008 the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), which Goodwin ran then, did one of the first major studies of food waste. The nonprofit surveyed more than 2,100 British families who had agreed to let inspectors paw through their garbage and weigh each food scrap. "Absolutely shocking," Goodwin recalled. "We found whole chickens in their wrappers." Nearly half of all salad and a quarter of all fruit was ending up in bins, as were nearly 400,000 tons of potatoes a year. In all, Britons were tossing one of every three bags of groceries.
As it turned out, they're not exceptional. Roughly a third of all food is wasted globally, at an annual cost of nearly a trillion dollars, WRAP's global director, Richard Swannell, told me. Over dinner at a restaurant in Oxford, at which we both took care to clean our plates, Swannell explained that before the WRAP study, no one was aware of just how much food -- and money -- was going to waste in Britain.
WRAP launched a chipper PR campaign ("Love Food Hate Waste"). It worked with women's groups to disseminate food-rescue tips. (A favorite was ways to dress up toast to save stale bread.) It also persuaded grocery chains to adopt some simple measures: Clearer, extended "use by" dates; smaller, resealable packages; an end to "buy one, get one free" sales on perishables. It was boring stuff, forgotten common sense, but it worked. By 2012 the amount of edible food wasted in Britain had fallen by a fifth. "We've had massive progress," Swannell said.