One of the places we stayed this summer was Whithorn, Scotland, where my father lives. It is one of many picturesque towns in Galloway. Whithorn happens to be very famous; it is considered possibly Scotland's first town. It is the starting point of Christianity in the U.K, with St. Ninian establishing the building called the Candida Casa, or Glimmering White House, after the stone it was made from. This building became a cathedral and a monastery. Whithorn was a center for pilgrammages, even for royalty. Archeological findings have shown that Whithorn became a sophisticated town, with many being literate, with trade and contact with the rest of Europe flourishing. Without understanding its rich history, you could very easily walk through Whithorn, admire its pretty terraced cottages and gardens, and come away thinking that it is simply another quaint and well kept farming community. Throughout Galloway, in the southwest of Scotland, there are historic towns, that still thrive, and offer spots of beauty to visitors. Naturally, the southwest has a mild, temperate climate because of the Gulf Stream. Its land is rich and used for farming. There are fishing villages throughout this area, and also many secluded, pristine beaches. Though the area in general gets plenty of rain, the sunlight is brilliant. The land is not built up at all from industry or large cities, so the sky scape is huge, and when the sun comes out, the colorful houses and fishing boats look cheerful and bright. I think especially those who come from cities will appreciate the colors of Galloway: its sparkling green countryside, the rolling hills and farms, the clean, empty beaches, and the historic and well kept towns.
Grammar notes.
Related vocabulary:picturesque, sophisticated, terraced houses, quaint.
1. The town we visited was picturesque; it was just like an impressionistic painting I'd seen.
2. He was a sophisticated man, well educated, artistic, well travelled, and open-minded.
3. Terraced houses are joined together in a row.
4. The cottage she bought is quaint; it is pretty, detailed, has a lot of character, and has an old world feeling about it.